Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Whitney and Myah enjoying one last boat ride!

It's been a busy week but I have lots to be thankful for, here is a sample:
-For Mark, for so many little things that you have done this week to make my life easier, for spending quality time with the kids so that I can have a girls day and and a girls night out.
-For Dayton, for spending hours on your homework at night and not complaining, I am sure there are many things you would rather be doing. For doing your best at all of your baseball tryouts.
-For Myah, for enjoying your Ready Set Play class so much that you didn't want to leave, mommy has waited a long time for you to be ready for something like this. For all of the I love you's throughout the day. For success on the big girl potty this week!
-For Grandma Dorothy's 90th birthday party this coming weekend, we are excited to celebrate this huge milestone in her life with her.
-For an evening with five of my dearest friends, it was so nice to hang out again and laugh!
-For the success of several of our friends on the Sgts. promotion test.
-For a great conversation with Kim from 3 Peanuts, I felt like I had known her forever!
-For everyone who ordered Matilda Jane from me, I can't wait to see pictures of your little darlings in their new outfits!
-For getting to spend all day today with Sheri and Sarah! Myah and I are so excited!
-For Gracie and Ellie and their parents who are in China right now, we are very happy for all of them!
-For Jim and Beckie on the birth of their son Jospeph Phillip.
-For my cousin Jed and his wife Annie who are expecting their first child.
-For my parents who celebrate their 41st wedding anniversary on Monday.
-For the new season of Survivor, in China! We are fans of the show and are excited to tune in tonight!
-For a great summer, it always goes by too fast! I do look forward to fall though!


Heather said...

Great list - as always and thanks again for Matilda Jane - Stacey was just great and I am so excited to get our new duds (yes, I did get a hat!!) I didn't brave one for Hannah yet:-)

Wishing for you a fabulous weekend!

3 Peanuts said...


I love your list and your gracious ways. I LOVED talking to you and exchanging misc info! You seem like the kindest and warmest person. I look forward to MANY more conversations.


Lori said...

So much to be grateful for, thanks for sharing your list!
I'm off to watch Survivor now!