Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Day of School

I can't believe that Dayton is starting middle school today. He is growing up so fast, the past few years especially. I hardly slept last night worrying about how he would handle the big school, his locker and 7 different classes. Our 5th and 6th grades are all in a huge school together so he has had a somewhat preview of what the official "middle school" would be like. Seventh grade! Yikes! Mark took him to school today because they had an assembly to meet the teachers and they wanted parents to join their kids on the first day of school. I made Dayton a copy of his schedule with a map of the school on the back. We went around and circled where all of his classes were so that he could easily see where he had to be next. He is all over the place, I pray that he isn't late, it is the old high school so it is a pretty big school. I have never felt so unprepared in my life, there wasn't a supply list sent out yet, so we picked up a few notebooks, pencils and gum of course, (he can chew gum in 7th grade, I didn't know that). I also learned that he needs a $100 calculator, they said that he will use it all the way through high school. I pray that he has a great day and that he will like his teachers, I hear that alot of homework is on the horizon for the year! Little Myah slept through all of the festivities so she doesn't know that Dayton isn't here yet. I wasn't ready for summer to be over yet, but there is something exciting about a new school year too.


Danielle Moss said...

Hope Dayton's first day went well!!

I never enjoyed those big fancy calculators. Math isn't my thing.

Heather said...

He is sooo handsome - he just looks like a good boy- My niece would look cute with him ;-) She started middle school also! Hoping it was a wonderful day. Blessings to you Mommy, and to him as he begins this newest chapter in his life.


Lori said...

What a handsome boy and how exciting for middle school!!
I love that you gave him a map, too cute! :D