Friday, September 14, 2007

Misc. Cuteness!

I am trying to get reorganized now that school has started, one goal of mine is to get all of the pictures off of my computer and archived. I found a few favorites while I was going through them and just had to share them. If you are stopping by please leave a comment for us, I have had 400 hits on the blog just this week, my family isn't that big! :) My mom always said make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold.

This was the next morning after Gotcha Day, I got to bathe her and dress her for the first time! Oh those cheeks! I love kissing them! She had this blank stare for several days, ( ok weeks!).
One of her first naps as our daughter, she looked like a little doll. Takes my breath away still to look at this.
I took this of her last fall, she is wearing the first thing that I had ever bought for her while we waited.
I love it, her first trip to Disney with us this past Spring Break, unfortunately it started pouring rain shortly after this! She loved Disneyworld as much as we do!


Robin said...

Okay Leslie, I confess!! I confess!! I have been lurking in the shadows:) What an awesome blog you have!! Thanks for sharing in this way! I have been silently admiring your beautiful family! What a great journal you have established here, something that I'm sure will be cherished for a long time! You are such a wonderful mom and wife, You continue to inspire me! Just wanted to encourage you and let you know're a blessing not only to those right around you, but also to those of us "reading from afar"! I can't wait to get together!! Ellie can say only a few words, and "Myah" is one of them! She loves to look at pic's of our summer reunion and says "Myah". Too cute! Looking forward to catching up with you soon!! Love, Robin

3 Peanuts said...


These are beautiful photos of a beautiful girl! Thank you for sharing:)

Have a blessed weekend.


Lori said...

I love those cheeks too, and I completely see why she takes your breath away, she's an angel.
What gorgeous photos, thanks for sharing!
Have a great weekend too!
I have a great recipe to pass on to you, but it's not soup.

Danielle Moss said...


I love these photos. Myah is such a beautiful little girl! She really does look like a little doll in the photo where she is asleep.

The first outfit you bought for her is SO cute! I always love Myah's cute clothes. Her raincoat is one of my favorites. Love pink and brown.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!



Somewhere In The Sun said...

The pictures are all just lovely! My favorite is the one where she is sleeping....just precious!


Sheri said...

Oh my, do those pictures bring back memories!! I can just picture Myah in her crib in your room. Wow, it almost seems like yesterday. I was looking at some of Sarah's pictures this week from when we were all in China, and I love the one of her and Myah sitting on the bed in your room in China. I think that was the first day that they both smiled!! What sweet memories.

Love, Sheri

Shari said...

This is Charlie Storm's cousin in Toledo. I check every few weeks. Love keeping up with how fast your children are growing. And figured you didn't have enough Sheri's, and certainly none spelled like mine. God bless, Shari Storm

Dawn said...

She is so beautiful, I think I say that everytime I leave you a comment, but those pictures take my breath away. You are very talented, and you have a perfect subject :D

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Hi Leslie~

I will come out...I found your blog through Diana's (I think). You have a very special family and Myah is a doll. I never tire of the miracle of adoption.

DH & I adopted our first child, Lindy, in April 2006. She is from Changsha, Hunan and is 28.5 months old. She is our joy.

We are on pins and needles waiting for our I-171H for her mei mei.

I look forward to following the happy times of your family.
