Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ready Set Play

Yesterday Myah and I went to her first playgroup run through our community ed program called Ready Set Play. I know the lady who teaches it, she has a daughter in Dayton's class. I don't think she knew we had adopted so the look on her face when I walked in with Myah was priceless! There are only 6 kids in the class, Myah just happens to be the ONLY girl! How is she supposed to meet new little girl friends in a room full of boys!? I had to laugh! I said, don't worry, Myah will hold her own in this crowd, and she did! At first she started to cry, I think she thought that I would be leaving her. I finally reassured her that I would not leave her (it is a mom and me class) and showed her to the Playdough, she loves to play with it! It was so much fun, just an hour but by the end of the class she had already warmed up to everyone and hugged the teacher goodbye. She felt very important! It was adorable, she seemed like such a big girl! She was really excited when the teacher mentioned a snack, she put her bike away and lined up immediately. Her favorite part was when she got to drink out of a small dixie cup for the first time, she politely said "thank you mommy" when I handed it to her and held it so delicately with both of her little hands, no spills! We ended the hour with a song and a sticker. We call it her school and she was waving "bye school" while we were leaving. I didn't take my camera, can you believe it?


Danielle Moss said...


I wish you took your camera! Maybe some girls will join the class? I'm sure Myah had all the attention!


Heather said...

Oh I forever forget my camera or get so entangled in the fun, I don't snap those shots! You are a very talented photographer though and sadly, I am not!

So incredibly happy that Myah loved her new class. What fun!


Lori said...

Oh, I'm glad it went well, I'm sure it's something she'll come to love!