Saturday, September 29, 2007
Happy 35th Melanie!
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
Labels: family
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Thankful Thursday
Wait a minute, it is Thursday already? Seriously, I have been so busy this week I thought it was still Monday! Boy do I have lots to be thankful for this week! I am thankful.....
-For Mark, for working so hard with Dayton for the baseball tryouts, for making Myah laugh from her belly, for staying up with me till 1 am tying ribbon on the decorations for Grandma's party, for taking Dayton on a memorable hunting trip with my dad. Boy do I love you!
-For Dayton, for the big week that you had, for your successful hunting trip with Dad and Grandpa something we have waited 12 years for you to be able to do! For working so hard during your baseball tryouts, it surely paid off buddy, congrats on making the team! For your good grades in lang. arts, I think we have a writer on our hands! For being my buddy on the nights that dad works!
-For Myah, for being such a good girl at Grandma's party with no nap all day! For waking up early on rainy mornings so we can drive Dayton to the bus. For waking up every morning and asking me if I "sleep" good!
-For my parents 41 years of wedded bliss.
-For the wonderful day we had celebrating Grandmas birthday!
-For my sister Melanie who turns 35 this weekend!
-For the season premiere of The Office tonight!
-For Kendra for letting me put some of our junk in your garage sale!
-For the sweet email from Heather!
-For the information from Lori about the doll house!
-For everyone who was sent us such sweet comments! I can't wait to hear about your families too! Keep the comments coming!
-For Kimberlyn's upcoming travel to her little boy! Can't wait to see Evan in your arms!
-For the birth of Madison A. We are so happy for you all!
-For the beauty of autumn! Bring on those glorious colors, warm fall sweaters, yummy cider and donuts, bright orange pumpkins, and crisp evenings!
-For the UAW and GM agreement, I am not personally affected by this but know so many who are ( we do live near the motor city you know!)
-Last but not least, for Wayne Newton, can you believe he is on Dancing With the Stars!? I had the pleasure of being the recipient of one of his wet sloppy kisses one night at a hotel where our friend was getting married, he was staying there after a show and we got a private hello with him, I also was in the elevator with him. Many women would have loved to be in that position, we weren't so much! Hee hee! Boy,has he had some work done on his face! Lots of cologne too! And jewelry! I am anxious to see how he holds up on the show!
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tutu Cute!

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Happy 90th Birthday Grandma!
top to bottom: I took pictures of her to use for her invitations and the newspaper; Her cake table; Grandma at her party with all of her great grandkids; Mark loves his Grandma so much!
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Labels: family
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Happy Moon Festival!
The Chinese Moon Festival is on the 15th of the 8th lunar month. It's also known as the Mid-autumn Festival. Chinese culture is deeply imbedded in traditional festivals. Just like Christmas and Thanksgiving in the West, the Moon Festival is one of the most important traditional events for the Chinese.
The Moon Festival is full of legendary stories. Legend says that Chang Er flew to the moon, where she has lived ever since. You might see her dancing on the moon during the Moon Festival. The Moon Festival is also an occasion for family reunions. When the full moon rises, families get together to watch the full moon, eat moon cakes, and sing moon poems. With the full moon, the legend, the family and the poems, you can't help thinking that this is really a perfect world. That is why the Chinese are so fond of the Moon Festival.
The Moon Festival is also a romantic one. A perfect night for the festival is if it is a quiet night without a silk of cloud and with a little mild breeze from the sea. Lovers spend such a romatic night together tasting the delicious moon cake with some wine while watching the full moon. Even for a couple who can't be together, they can still enjoy the night by watching the moon at the same time so it seems that they are together at that hour. A great number of poetry has been devoted to this romantic festival. Hope the Moon Festival will bring you happiness.
The moon cake is the food for the Moon Festival. The Chinese eat the moon cake at night with the full moon in the sky. Happy Moon Festival to you all!!
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Happy 41st Anniversary Grandpa and Grandma!
Today marks my parents 41st wedding anniversary, and I just wanted to wish them a great day! We had a super busy weekend up north with our family, full of some great moments, I will post later about all of that! Thanks for all of the sweet messages, I look forward to "meeting" you all!
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Monday, September 24, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Don't be shy, We don't bite!
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Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thankful Thursday

It's been a busy week but I have lots to be thankful for, here is a sample:
-For Mark, for so many little things that you have done this week to make my life easier, for spending quality time with the kids so that I can have a girls day and and a girls night out.
-For Dayton, for spending hours on your homework at night and not complaining, I am sure there are many things you would rather be doing. For doing your best at all of your baseball tryouts.
-For Myah, for enjoying your Ready Set Play class so much that you didn't want to leave, mommy has waited a long time for you to be ready for something like this. For all of the I love you's throughout the day. For success on the big girl potty this week!
-For Grandma Dorothy's 90th birthday party this coming weekend, we are excited to celebrate this huge milestone in her life with her.
-For an evening with five of my dearest friends, it was so nice to hang out again and laugh!
-For the success of several of our friends on the Sgts. promotion test.
-For a great conversation with Kim from 3 Peanuts, I felt like I had known her forever!
-For everyone who ordered Matilda Jane from me, I can't wait to see pictures of your little darlings in their new outfits!
-For getting to spend all day today with Sheri and Sarah! Myah and I are so excited!
-For Gracie and Ellie and their parents who are in China right now, we are very happy for all of them!
-For Jim and Beckie on the birth of their son Jospeph Phillip.
-For my cousin Jed and his wife Annie who are expecting their first child.
-For my parents who celebrate their 41st wedding anniversary on Monday.
-For the new season of Survivor, in China! We are fans of the show and are excited to tune in tonight!
-For a great summer, it always goes by too fast! I do look forward to fall though!
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Ready Set Play
Yesterday Myah and I went to her first playgroup run through our community ed program called Ready Set Play. I know the lady who teaches it, she has a daughter in Dayton's class. I don't think she knew we had adopted so the look on her face when I walked in with Myah was priceless! There are only 6 kids in the class, Myah just happens to be the ONLY girl! How is she supposed to meet new little girl friends in a room full of boys!? I had to laugh! I said, don't worry, Myah will hold her own in this crowd, and she did! At first she started to cry, I think she thought that I would be leaving her. I finally reassured her that I would not leave her (it is a mom and me class) and showed her to the Playdough, she loves to play with it! It was so much fun, just an hour but by the end of the class she had already warmed up to everyone and hugged the teacher goodbye. She felt very important! It was adorable, she seemed like such a big girl! She was really excited when the teacher mentioned a snack, she put her bike away and lined up immediately. Her favorite part was when she got to drink out of a small dixie cup for the first time, she politely said "thank you mommy" when I handed it to her and held it so delicately with both of her little hands, no spills! We ended the hour with a song and a sticker. We call it her school and she was waving "bye school" while we were leaving. I didn't take my camera, can you believe it?
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Positively Perfect in Every Way
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Monday, September 17, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Happy Birthday My Friend!
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Misc. Cuteness!

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Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Happy 16th Taylor!
Happy 16th birthday to our nephew Taylor! I had to include a video of one of his touchdowns from Friday night. He earned the position of quarterback on the Varsity team this year and he is doing a tremendous job. If you are a friend or family, you will want to google his name and look at all of the ariticles written about him! He is such a special young man, an all A student, a great sense of humor, a smile a mile wide, and he is humble. He is growing up so fast! Uncle Mark can't get enough of watching him lately, we drive almost 2 hours on Friday nights just to see more of this: (actually, he passes and runs alot farther than this but this is all I caught on video!)
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Thursday, September 13, 2007
Thankful Thursday
Honestly, I can't believe a week has gone by since last Thursday! Here is what I am thankful for this week:
-Mark, for weeding out our flower beds for the season, I really don't like doing that job, I appreciate the help! For hooking up my printer/scanner to the laptop, I have missed it!
-Dayton, for giving your all time favorite blanket to Myah. She loves it as much as you did! For sitting on the sidelines in gym class while your foot heals, I know how hard that must be for you, a few more days and you can join in!
-Myah, for having success yesterday on the big girl potty!
-For our nephew Taylor who is 16 today!!!
-For my friend Sherry S who has a b-day this weekend! Wish I was there to celebrate with you!
-For a conversation with Sheri W. yesterday, I love catching up with you and can't wait till you get your blog up and running so I can get my daily dose of Miss Sarah!
-For heat and warm clothing, it is freezing here in the morning!
-For my cousin Sheri in Florida for sending Myah the most adorble tutu and wand for Halloween! What a sweet surprise, she loves it!! How funny that my list includes 3 Sheri's!!
-For Myah's naptime! It is amazing how much I can accomplish in such a small amount of time!
-For my neighbor Heather's healthy pregnancy, she is due any minute with their 2nd daughter!
-For people who give the gift of life through organ donation, our family has been affected by this on a few occasions and I pray that everyone will at least consider it.
-For people who still send a written note, I have been cleaning out boxes all weekend and love looking through all of the special letters that we have received through the years. I wouldn't part with them if I had to! Go buy a pack of stationary, help Hallmark stay in business! (my friend manages one and she said that Webkins are keeping them in business, isn't that sad!)
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Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Twenty-Seven Months Old
I know I am a little late but this month has had a rough/busy start! I have to start out by saying that both of my kids are changing daily. I am just amazed at how they both seem to be maturing, who would think that a 2 year old and a 12 year old have that in common! I think the best word to describe Myah this month is particular. Her vocabulary is expanding so quickly and she now knows how to say the things that she wants. We don't have to guess anymore that she wants juice or that she is hungry, she tells us. And repeats herself over and over again until she gets results. Are we creating a monster or what? Fortunately she is becoming very polite also, I always get a "thank you mommy" after I do something for her. I feel like she is losing a little bit of her "edge", now that Dayton is in school she is enjoying her time at the house alone with me, this seems to make her more mellow if that makes any sense. She also is playing on her own too, it is a nice break for me to actually have time to catch up on things while she colors, watches Sesame Street, plays with her kitchen or pushes her baby in her stroller around the house. I love that she will finally sit with me long enough to read a book, I love reading to the kids but she never will sit still long enough to finish a book, her favorite book is The Monster at the End of This Book, (thanks Vicki), I loved this book as a little girl and use my little Grover voice to read it to her, she also loves Alice the Fairy, and 8 Silly Monkeys. She surprised us one night while we were looking through a picture book and she named just about everything in the book, I didn't know she knew what all of those things were, let alone get the names right. She is a sponge and is absorbing information like crazy. She loves music, I catch her dancing all of the time! The other night at Taylor's football game she was dancing to the marching band, I will have to upload that video for you to see. She is sad to see Dayton get on the bus in the morning but has told us that she wants to ride the bus and go to school too, we'll see about that in a few years (wink!). I love how comfortable she seems, her laughter is so natural now and she squeals in delight when we are playing. She captures our hearts when she tells us she loves us. At night she will always say, "goodnight Dayton (or momma, or daddy), love you". We are so in love with her too! With each new month we are amazed at the changes in Myah, she has come so far in the year and 3 months that we have had her in our lives. Dayton misses her while he is at school and always asks if her can wake her in the morning before he leaves. He has been suffering from severe allergies this week and also is having alot of trouble walking, we took him to the Dr. on Monday and they said his achilles tendons are being stretched because his bones are growing faster than his tendons. They say it is common in boys at his age but we have to take him to see a physical therapist. Poor little guy, not a good first week of school for him. He is growing by leaps and bounds also, the other night he was as tall as Aunt Lora! I think I am next! He is loving 7th grade, he loves his school and seems to really care for all of his teachers. What a blesssing! I have to say that another common thread with my kids is that they have both outgrown everything that they own. Nothing and I mean nothing from their previous fall/winter wardrobe fits them at all, Myah is now wearing a 3T and Dayton is mostly in 14's! Looks like a shopping day is on the horizon! Woo Hoo!!
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
In Honor of September 11th
We will never forget where we were on that fateful day, sadly, everyone in the picture below became a victim of the attacks on our nation that day. We will never forget about all of the victims and heroes of September 11th. We visited Ground Zero 7 months later and couldn't help but think about all of those individuals who died so innocently that day. I remember Mark being ordered into work that night, he called me and said he had a call from the White House concerning a security detail. It was a day that forever changed the way we live.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Happy Birthday Grandpa!
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Matilda Jane Party
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Monday, September 10, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Happy 60th Birthday Dad and Grandpa!
This picture of my dad has won awards and has been on display in the Meridian Mall several times, it shows his true spirit, his love for his country and for the Veterans of our land.

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Sunday, September 09, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Must See TV
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Friday, September 07, 2007
A few Goodies

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Friday, September 07, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Favorites Meme
Danielle has tagged me with a favorites meme. I don't even know if any of you care to know so much about me but here it goes:
~My Favorites~
Sound: laughter,music
Late night snack: ice cream
Smell: tiny babies, fresh lilacs, peonies, Mark's cologne
Color combos: I love brown with pink, blue or green right now, I also love white with pale colors
Nut: cashews, walnuts
Time of Year: I love the change of seasons, especially Spring and Fall
Author: Martha Stewart
Books: Decorating books, Rachel Ashwell books, childrens books, cookbooks
Vegetable: lettuce
Male Actor: movie:Tom Hanks, tv: Steve Carrell
Female Actress: Resse Witherspoon
Flower: peony, lilacs, roses
Vacation Spot: St. Augustine Florida, Mackinac Island Michigan
Pizza: extra thin crust
Sport to Play: used to be track, now I like watersports, golf, bikeriding and walking
Subject in School: Health
TV Channel: HGTV
Radio Station: I am a channel changer, I also like to listen to cd's
Holiday: Christmas and Easter
Perfume: Princess by Vera Wang, White Cherry Blossom by Bath and Body Works
Shoes: flip flops, slip ons from 9 West, anything comfy ( i have problem feet)
Candy: chocolate!, red licorice, gummy bears
City to Shop: Chicago, Bay City, actually anywhere!
Beauty Products: MAC
Items To Shop For: Myah's clothes, home accessories, cool old picture frames, antiques, candles,purses
Whew, I guess you can tell, I am pretty indecisive, I have a hard time narrowing down my favorites to just one thing, I love just about everything pretty!
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Thursday, September 06, 2007
Thank you Kim
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Thursday, September 06, 2007
Thankful Thursday
This week I am thankful for:
-Mark, for being such a great dad, you put our families needs above everything else and we love you for being such a good provider for all of us. I am thankful for the way your eyes well up when you talk about how proud you are of our kids.
-Dayton, for becoming a Jr High student and for being so excited about it! For riding the bus every day so that we don't have to wake up your little sister.
-Myah, for making our house full of laughter. You have brought so much happiness to us all, you are becoming such a character and we love your sense of humor. You are a perfect fit for our goofy family!
-School starting, I hate to see summer leave but I love the routine that school brings.
-Dayton's teachers, I can't imagine being a Jr. High teacher, God Bless You All!!!
-My Dad Roger who turns 60 on Sunday! Happy Birthday Dad/Grandpa!
-My Grandpa who turns 85 on the 11th! I love him sooooo much!!
-For a 2 hour phone call with my dearest friend!
-For a great Labor Day on the lake with good friends.
-For Regis and Kelly, they are having their 20th anniversary, I have watched them for at least 18!
-For Kimberlyn, so happy for you that you will be traveling to your little boy soon!
-For referrals that came out this week! These families have waited about 2 years!
-For a great summer full of wonderful memories.
-For the Steckel twins, who turned 1 this past weekend, such little miracles! Happy Birthday Sweethearts!
-For little Annabelle's first day of preschool, she loved it!
-For everyone reading this, sometimes when I feel like the time has come to stop doing this, someone will send a message my way encouraging me to continue. Thank you for still caring about our family.
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Thursday, September 06, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
First Day of School
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Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Monday, September 3, 2007
Trip to the Zoo
We went to the Toledo Zoo this past week with Aunt Melanie and the girls. It is such a nice zoo, it wasn't crowded at all, which made viewing the animals pretty easy for the little girls. At one point we were near the window where the baby orangutans were and Myah walked up to the window, started pointing her finger at him saying "no, no no". You all know how bossy she can be! All of the sudden the baby charged at the window and was face to face with her, she freaked out, screaming, crying, Aunt Mel was standing close and she practically jumped up into her arms. It was very funny but I felt bad for her that it had scared her so badly. She loved the rest of the animals though. We saw a baby polar bear, camels, sharks, lions, tigers and penguins. The Gorilla exhibit is really neat too, the young gorilla stared at Dayton through the glass and kept spitting at him. I had my old camera with me so the pics aren't really great. This is my first attempt at posting a video, my EasyShare has a video camera built in so it isn't the greatest quality but it is something. She is explaining how the monkey scared her. She was very interested in her new cup!
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Monday, September 03, 2007