Congrats to Lynn at Somewhere In the Sun, she won my prize! Thanks to everyone for your support!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
A much needed family day out!
** I am not happy with my little camera but it is much easier than carrying around the mac daddy!
It took a bit of convincing (not really) but I got Mark to take the night off on Saturday so that we could enjoy one last day together as a family before Dayton's spring break ends. It isn't easy finding places to go where both of my kiddos can enjoy themselves, with a teen (ok, one more month to go) and a toddler I had to use my thinking cap and I remembered taking Dayton to the Hands On Musuem when he was about Myah's age and I thought he might enjoy it as well. Actually, we ended up having to drag him out of there. Myah was so happy, and entertained. I told Mark to watch her expressions, it was so cute, she was like on sensory overload, in a good way. It is in an old fire station and she loved dressing up in the fire hat and jacket pretending to drive a fire truck. They even have a full sized ambulance inside the museum for kids to play in. There is a whole area just for preschool children and I am thinking about getting a membership just for this area alone. Myah loved the water table, well, we all did. After we left we enjoyed the spring like day (yeah!) and walked downtown to the cutest little cupcake shoppe. It was just charming. They have 4 flavors that they make each week and when they sell out, they close for the day. I am definately going back to have birthday cakes made! The owner just won some awards on the Food Network. So much fun. So Yummy! There was a young couple in there ordering their wedding cake, I love love love weddings and I can just imagine how amazing their cake will be! We then went bowling, Mark and Dayton bowled and Myah and I were cheerleaders and ate french fries! We had such a nice day, we ended it by climbing into our spa on our deck, it was so relaxing and the kids were giggling so much. It was such a special day for us. We really needed a day like this. Dayton had his two teeth pulled last Wednesday and is doing good. We have to call the orthodontist to see about getting the teeth to come down straight now. Mark and Myah both had their appointments on Friday with their respective surgeons and both got good news, Myah is healed completely and Mark's vision is expected to get even better over the next few weeks. Whew!!! We woke up to 5 inches on snow on Friday morning, I pray that I don't see another flake until November! We seriously are hitting record amounts this year. Dayton ended his week with a roller skating 80's night with his youth group tonight. I know that this week is the beginning of the crazy roller coaster ride we call baseball season, practice every night now until the first game in a few weeks. Add a few birthdays, holidays, and boating season, and that is our life for the next 4 months. I am looking forward to the warm weather that is on its way, more than ever I am ready for April and the blossoms, green grass, birdies, and spring jackets! Bring it on! Hey tomorrow is opening day at Tiger Stadium! They dressed the big concerte tigers outside of the stadium in a huge Carhardt jacket! BRRRRR! Go Tigers, they are expected to win the World Series this year!
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Sunday, March 30, 2008
Labels: family
Friday, March 28, 2008
Just My Way of Saying Thank You!
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Friday, March 28, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Update on Mandy
This picture is so special to me because it is the first time that Mandy met Myah, today. Myah went right in bed with her despite how nervous she was to enter the hospital after all she went through last week! I took this picture with my camera phone.
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Labels: family
Urgent Prayers are Needed
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Labels: family
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter Weekend
Ever since Dayton was a toddler we have left carrots and lettuce out for the Easter Bunny. Also the Easter Bunny calls the house the night before.
Taylor , Dayton and Daddy posing for mommy, it is hard to get a picture of these guys without one of them doing something crazy to the other one. This is a rare shot. Just for the record, Uncle Mark is still taller, not by much though. Good news, Dayton is taller than Aunt Lora!
Easter Sunday~
We woke up Sunday morning and Myah was not in a good mood. She did not speak a word for about an hour. I knew that this was going to be the "worst day" that the Dr's kept talking about. She didn't even say anything when the Easter Bunny brought her a Dora big wheel bike! I knew she must have been hurting when she saw the big chocolate bunny and just smiled. Normally this would be a big deal to her! So we gave her some pain meds and she came around eventually. We went to the beautiful Easter service at our church and she actually sat with me almost the whole time! After we left church we had every intention of grilling out at our house, just us, I had even set a pretty dinner table. However, as we pulled out of our church's parking lot, we got sentimental and really wanted to spend the day with family. So we called my sister Melanie and asked if there were a few extra places to sit and of course she said there were. So we headed up north for a few hours. It was so nice to get out of the house! It also started to snow while we were there , we just bring it with us I swear! We usually are in Florida for Easter so it was nice to spend it with our family once again. Dayton is now on Spring Break and we are hoping to do some fun family activities this week. Poor little guy has to have his two teeth pulled on Wed. morning. On Friday Mark and Myah both have their post op Dr. appointments with their surgeons so hopefully after this week we can put our medical issues behind us!
Dayton was excited to get the two books that he had asked for!
My little sweeties, I love to take pictures outside but due to the 5 inches of snow on the ground, it didn't happen!
Grandpa was making it rain "Easter grass" for the girls, they had so much fun!
Myah, Annabelle and Chloe looking out the window at the snow coming down.
**Women bloggers only*** please go to my other blog at Feathers In My Nest and hear about the other big event this weekend, no hard feelings guys, I still love ya!
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Monday, March 24, 2008
Labels: Holidays
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
We're Still Here
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for our packages and my little Longaberger (grandma sells them) Basket!
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Saturday, March 22, 2008
Labels: family
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Sheri!

All 4 of us buddies on referral day, I have the video camera, Sheri, Robin and Laura, such a wonderful day!

Today is my dear friend Sheri's birthday! Our special friendship began during the adoption of our little girls. After we learned that we were in the same group we started meeting on a regular basis and our friendship grew. In my heart I know that we were meant to be friends. I always feel like she was the big sister that I never had. We laugh at how similar we are, so do our hubbys. She is one of my original 4 adoption buddies, we really got to know each other much better while in China together. I am so thankful that we shared this amazing experience together. Sarah and Myah were from the same orphanage and have always been very similar in their personalities, sometimes we wonder if they were separated at birth! I am so blessed to have her in my life, we have laughed and cried together, our families love each other, and I know that this is a life long friendship for all of us. She is one person that I can call and we pick up right where we left off. We live about 2 hours apart but we make an effort to get together on a regular basis. We always laugh at how we pick out the same items at the store, even when we aren't shopping together! When we were in China, I wore a lime green shirt from J Jill and she told me " I brought the same shirt with me", then as we were shopping in the pouring rain in Guanzhou, I pulled an umbrella out of my bag and she said " I have the same umbrella". This seriously happens alot!! We even met last winter with our buddies and Myah and Sarah were dressed almost identically!
I admire her as much as I love her. She is a wonderful mom to her 4 children, and a very devoted wife. We relate on so many levels and both of our husbands have very strange schedules, many weekends/nights we are alone and it is so nice to have a friend who can relate on those days when I could go crazy! I never hear her complain, ever! She is the most patient person that I know. Maybe because she is so organized, she is amazing. She leads a very spiritual life, and Christ is always at the center of her world.
I truly believe that red threads brought us together. One day when we were staying at her house she metioned to me about some skin care products that her family used and she said that her sister sold this particular line. I told her that I had been to one of those parties, my neighbor had one. Now I had not heard of this beauty product line before this party. I actually had some of their facial cleanser in my shower before we decided to adopt. Last fall Sheri brought me over some of the cleanser that she used and I looked on the back and her sister's name was on the product. For some reason it looked familiar to me. Mind you, her sister lives 2 hours away from here. A few months ago I was cleaning out my makeup drawer and came across a bottle of lotion that had an address label on it if I needed to re-order this product. Would you believe it was her sister's name. I had stared at that name for months in my shower every morning on my cleanser. No wonder it sounded familiar! Her sister had loaned the particular product to another consultant, so that I could have it. This was like 4 years ago! What are the odds that I would eventually travel across the world with this lady's sister and that her niece would come from the same orphanage as my daughter. Red threads.
I hope you hop on over to her site and wish her a super duper birthday! Have a great day my friend!!!
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Thursday, March 20, 2008
Labels: Birthdays
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Snoopy Saves the Day!
I had bought these special diva jammies for her a few months ago and saved them for today, she loved them! She was sitting in this chair and looked like a little movie star, I couldn't resist snapping this shot.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Labels: Myah
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Back to the ER
Well, our home sure was sweet but it didn't last for more than a few hours, Myah spiked a high fever and our Dr. sent us back to the ER for a chest xray to make sure she doesn't have pneumonia. She has developed a bad cough and fever and they thought maybe she caught the bug that the boys had and after having the tube down her throat during surgery it might have aggravated it. Good news though, it is now 8 pm and we are home, to stay I pray! She has some good meds and the xray looked great! I am so thankful! So needless to say, we are living on fumes, Mark just went to bring Dayton home and once again all my birdies will be in my nest and I will be a happy momma. I forgot to mention that when we went to leave the hospital today (the first time) our nurse cut off Myah's security bracelet before deactivating in and the whole entire hospital went into lock down mode. All elevators stopped, security came, doors locked shut, alarms went off. We left with a bang!
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Labels: Myah
Home Sweet Home
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Labels: Myah
Day Two
Oh my, what a long night! Or should I say short, not sure which seems most appropriate. Myah just would not go to sleep last night, no matter if her drugs were in her or not, she isn't going to give in for anything! We were up every hour at least, she would start to cough and it is so painful then she would cry and make her cough even worse. I slept in a chair, Mark slept in a chair that turned into a lounger. Neither was comfortable but we would fall asleep, I think just plain exhaustion. Then the door would open or she would wake up, or the iv would start beeping, or it was time for meds. Anyhow, the Dr. came in at 7 and said she looks good, he is concerned with the fever and wants to make sure it is down before he will let us leave. She also needs to drink 3-4 ounces of fluid, yeah right. I am breaking down and giving her Sprite-ish pop, it is the only thing that is motivating her to sip. She took about 4 bites of a pancake and that was about it. Her strong willed personality is even worse when she is tired I have learned! She is talking a bit more today, not much but enough to make me realize that she is a bit more "with it " today. I feel so bad for her, I know it hurts so bad! The nurses are in love with her, they have told us that she is the best T&A (tonsils and adenoids people!) patient that they have ever had. She takes her medicine for them we will see about it once we get home! We are getting slap happy, last night around 2am the nurse came in and said she was down with the other T&A patient, wishing that he was a good as Myah. Mark thought she said Tina, after she left Mark said " I thought she was calling Myah, Tina, I was about to tell her that this isn't Tina, you better not be giving her Tina's medication, this is Myah". It sounds so dumb now but we were cracking up all night, still today actually. We also keep laughing about how when we got in her room the nurse was writing our names on the board and she asked me what we want to be called, I wasn't paying attention to what she was doing and I was trying to figure out why she would want our number to call us when we were going to be here the whole time, so I said,"well, I guess you can have my cell number" Mark said "Leslie she wants our names." I felt so dumb! I love that man, we sure can get through times like this with humor thankfully!
I am hoping that we can get home soon, I think Myah will rest much better there. She is so tired. Well, I will close for now, just bored and trying to wait out these last few hours here. The lady just dropped off the menu for tomorrow and I told her we won't be here, she said she would leave it just in case, lets pray that we are out of here! We are going to have a rough few weeks, they said in about 4 days it will be worse for her when they start to scab over. Yikes! Lord give me strength!
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Labels: Myah