Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Lots to be thankful for this week!
I am thankful for :
-Mark, for our quality time together this week. Mark tore his rotator cuff in his shoulder over the weekend and has been off work all week. We have enjoyed hanging out together while his shoulder heals. He is doing better, still sore though!
-Dayton, for helping me out with Myah and Dad this week, you don't realize how much I appreciate all that you do!
-Myah, for saying goodbye to your crib and hello to your big girl bed, you are doing amazingly well, I wasn't expecting that! Also for your sense of humor that is emerging, boy do you make us laugh!
-For doctors and nurses, I am very thankful for all that they have done especially over the past week!
-For Aunt Ginger's successful surgery, praying for good news now!
-For little Evan and his new family, what a blessing!
-For Dayton's new baseball team, they have been very accepting of him, we were worried because he is the only boy from another city on the team.
-For Sheri and Jeff on the good news about their old house being purchased. What a relief!
-For my neighbor's new baby Madison, she was in the hospital with menangitis this week, she is home now!
-For the change in temperatures, it is definately feeling like fall now! Yeah!!!
-For the cute card and stickers that Danielle sent the kids today!
-For the great football game that my nephew Taylor played in last Friday night, Uncle Mark was so proud of you!!! (I was too but he understands the game much better than me!)
-For the man who died while running the Chicago marathon this weekend, he was a police officer in my hometown, he leaves behind a wife and 3 little kids, we didn't know him but know people who did and sounds like he was a wonderful man. My prayers are with his family and friends.


Football and Fried Rice said...

love the pic of ms. myah to go with your thankful thoughts. Congratulations on the big girl bed!!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Many things to be thankful for! Thanks for sharing your list.

Heather said...

I just love your lists! So much to be thankful for and so much to think about these days. I love that we can share all of these together.

Blessings to your family for a wonderful weekend. Hoping your sweet husband heals quickly and with limited pain!


Lori said...

Yea to Myah for her big girl bed!!
I always love reading your list and am so thankful you share it!
Hope dh heals quickly, and yea for some great time together!! :)

3 Peanuts said...


I am truly awed by your list. You have so many challenging things going on right now and you have listed many of them in your thankful list. You really manage to look at the best of a difficult situation:)

I hope Mark's shoulder feels better soon.

I hope we can talk again soon, friend.