Friday, October 26, 2007

I have a sick computer

Hi, me again from the basement computer. Poor laptop came home for one day and caught a bug again so she is back at the computer doctor again. I am not using the computer at all, this thing has problems too, so you would be amazed at all that I am accomplishing in a day now with no blogging to do, no pictures to edit (I should be but can't), no communication other than by the old fashioned way. Smoke signals. Morse code. The Town Crier. So it might be a while before you hear from me. We are going up north tomorrow for my mother in law's wedding. Mark has to work, poor guy has to work tonight, sleep a bit then drive up for the wedding, come back and go to work all night again. So I probably won't be reunited with my laptop for at least a few more days. But my very exciting 100th post give away is just 2 more entries away, we must get my poor computer working right!? Signing off for now, Leslie


Stefanie said...

Oh no!! I hate it when I have computer problems. Hope your old friend is up and running soon! You're going to have to catch us up with lots of gorgeous pictures when you get back ;)

Heather said...

Oh have a great time at the wedding - seems like you just posted their great news:)

Antibiotics, tylenol - oh that's the kids, not the computer;) Hoping your computer feels better fast - if not, how we will miss you!!

Have a happy weekend...

3 Peanuts said...

Don't knowe if you'll see this but I'll miss you w/o your computer. I guess I will just have to call you!!!


Danielle Moss said...

Sorry about your computer! Send some smoke signals to check in. :)

I know you have a lot going on. Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you. When you do get to check your email, I sent you a link to something special that I made for you.


Football and Fried Rice said...

I am really looking forward to your 100th post!! I hope your computer gets "better" soon....