Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Congratulations Grandma and Lon!
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Labels: family
Sunday, October 28, 2007
My 100th Post Giveaway and I'm Baaaack!
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Sunday, October 28, 2007
Labels: Misc.
Friday, October 26, 2007
I have a sick computer
Hi, me again from the basement computer. Poor laptop came home for one day and caught a bug again so she is back at the computer doctor again. I am not using the computer at all, this thing has problems too, so you would be amazed at all that I am accomplishing in a day now with no blogging to do, no pictures to edit (I should be but can't), no communication other than by the old fashioned way. Smoke signals. Morse code. The Town Crier. So it might be a while before you hear from me. We are going up north tomorrow for my mother in law's wedding. Mark has to work, poor guy has to work tonight, sleep a bit then drive up for the wedding, come back and go to work all night again. So I probably won't be reunited with my laptop for at least a few more days. But my very exciting 100th post give away is just 2 more entries away, we must get my poor computer working right!? Signing off for now, Leslie
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Friday, October 26, 2007
Labels: Misc.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Thankful Thursday
-For all of the good people of California who are dealing with the devastating fires, God bless you.
-For my nephew Taylor's very exciting win last week, earning a trip to the play-offs this week! Go Blue Devils!
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Thursday, October 25, 2007
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Monday, October 22, 2007
Look what I found!

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Monday, October 22, 2007
Labels: Myah, Thankful Thursdays
Sunday, October 21, 2007
You're Welcome
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Sunday, October 21, 2007
Labels: Misc.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Happy Anniversary Melanie and Chris!

Today is my sister Melanie and her husband Chris' 11th anniversary. They had a very romantic Sweetest Day, candle-lit, evening wedding. My sister is the best wedding/event planner that I know, seriously she can do things that I didn't know were possible! People have told her they look like "Hollywood weddings". She is also very resourceful and reasonable. Unfortunately, she is no longer accepting clients, unless they are her children or my children, sorry folks! Like the song says "life happened" and she is busy raising her family. When it came to doing her own wedding, she had every detail planned, pictures showing exactly what she wanted and had envisioned. It was beautiful. We laugh at a few of the little blips that her florist "screwed up" claiming that it was Sweetest Day and there was a shortage of red roses. Mel had a huge crush on Chris all through high school, he thought of her as just his good buddy. I can't tell you the nights that we would be up in our room and all she would talk about was Chris this and Chris that. He moved away after high school, she started dating someone else for 4 years who wasn't the greatest love of her life. One day after Chris returned back home, he heard her name, asked for her number, called her up, met her at a park to talk and told her he was going to marry her some day. We know God had a plan for these two. She came home, told my mom about her "meeting" said goodbye to the boyfriend and they were married within a year. Love happened! Best Wishes to you both today! We love you!
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Friday, October 19, 2007
Labels: family
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Better late than never Thankful Thursday
Wow, this week was a blur, still lots to be thankful for. I love doing this because it makes me take the time out of my crazy week and actually "think" about things and all that is going on in my life. I know many of you just like me are running from place to place, cooking, cleaning, changing diapers, looking for sippie cup lids, praying that I make it to the gas station, and staying up past my bedtime just to get some quiet time. Thankfully for Thursdays I make time to think about the special people in my life, the big things and the little things that I might take for granted. Sometimes I re -read these just as a reminder of what has been going on in my life, time goes too fast, these help keep me real.
So here goes this weeks edition of what I am thankful for:
-Mark, I always name you first because I feel like you are the one I take for granted daily, you ask for the least and give the most. I am thankful for you supporting me all week while I am swamped with taking pictures, for hanging out with Myah while I went shopping with Linda, for appreciating my cooking (no laughing here!), for picking up my slack this week! Love you so much!
-Dayton, for getting an awesome progress report, for watching Myah while I took pictures, for a great talk that we had, boy you are wise beyond your years, I have so much to learn from you. For loving your new life group at church and saying it was awesome! I love you so much!
-Myah, for becoming "sweet" finally! I love hearing you say "thank you momma," "bless you momma" when I sneeze, and " I love you momma" . You are my daughter now and forever, I love you so much!
-For my parents, who have always been so supportive of me, and always my biggest fans, thanks for the Sunday night talks, you always make me laugh till I cry! I love you so much!
-For my Grandma A., I loved our talk today, you are the best Grandma in the world, so sweet and giving, always putting everyone's needs before your own. You are pure sunshine to me! I love you so much!
-For my Grandpa, thanks for letting us drop in on you last weekend, it does my heart good to spend time with you, I miss seeing you as often now that you live farther away. You are such a sweetheart. I love you so much!
-For great times spent with sweet ladies this week, Linda, Lisa, Sheri, you are all the nicest and kindest women. I am very lucky to have you all in my life! I love you so much!
-For Aunt Ginger. Even though her news wasn't good, she maintains a positive attitude, please pray for her as she starts her aggressive treatment this week. I love her so much!
-For Margaret, I am thankful that she is stable, please pray that her lungs don't bleed again, she is a wonderful loving grandma to my little nieces Annabelle and Chloe. I love her so much!
-For my favorite show "The Office" for making me laugh out loud this week! (ok I am done with the i love u's)
-For my Matilda Jane order that arrived! Yeah! Cute clothes for the darlings, hope all of you ladies who ordered have received your packages!
-For Robins' brownie recipe, they are delicious and I have had to share it with new addicts!
-For the glorious fall colors that are popping up all over the place, the view out my window is of bright red maple trees, oooohh I love that!!!! (sorry that one needs an i luv u)
-For my Aunt Mary who prints these off for my Grandma, she told me today about how you do that for her! I love you too!
-For the stickers that Danielle sent to the kids, I am still finding them all over the place, Myah found one today on the staircase, peeled it off and stuck it on her shirt, she loves them and is showing her "green" side by recycling! Thanks Danielle, we love you too!
-For the great advice from Kim, my personal counselor (wink) I appreciate your thoughtful words! Love you too!
-For the amazing story that Susan shared with me today, brought me to tears, thank you so much for sharing this with me, it changed the way I look at things all over again! ( I have a feeling I will love you soon too!)
Sorry for the mushy mushy entries, but it is my blog and I can do what I want to. If you don't like it, get your own. Just kidding, gosh you didn't think I could be THAT mean did you!?
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Thursday, October 18, 2007
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Old Mission Peninsula

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
It's not always bows and tutus!
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Friday, October 12, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Thankful Thursday
-Dayton, for helping me out with Myah and Dad this week, you don't realize how much I appreciate all that you do!
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Monday, October 8, 2007
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Monday, October 08, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Pumpkin Patch
Today we took the kids to the most adorable pumpkin patch! A few years back this family won the lottery and put money into this farm and open it up to the public in the fall and at Christmas time. It is so hot here, we were drenched in sweat! It is never 90 degrees in October! We ran into our friends Mike and Cheri and their 4 little girls. We took a hayride, had cider and donuts and purchased a few pumpkins. We will definately be back for the Christmas festivites.
*By the way, thank you for all of the prayers for Aunt Ginger, the tumor was removed and she is in good spirits, she is waiting on lab work results on Wednesday. Please keep praying for her strength and recovery.
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Sunday, October 07, 2007
Labels: Holidays
Friday, October 5, 2007
Christmas Pictures

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Friday, October 05, 2007
Labels: Holidays
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Prayer request and Thankful Thursday
I ask you to please say a special prayer today for Mark's Aunt Ginger. On last Friday she was diagnosed with breast cancer and this Friday is having a double mastectomy. We are all very saddened by this news as Ginger is the sweetest lady and we love her dearly. My heart has been breaking all week for her and I just want her to know how much we love her and will be praying for her comfort as she deals with this illness. We found out on Monday, ironically that was the first day of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I plan on wearing pink on Friday in support of Aunt Ginger. If you looked up the word sweetheart in the dictionary this is what you would see beside it: Be strong Aunt Ginger and know that we love you and are praying for you!
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Thursday, October 04, 2007
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Hollyhock Dolls
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Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Happy 2nd Birthday Ellie!

Myah and I drove to the west side today to visit with Ellie and Sarah and their mommies. I have always referred to these ladies as my adoption buddies, we were there for each other through the good and bad moments in our adoption and I love them and their families so much. It was Ellie's 2nd birthday today and Robin had the cutest little table set up just for the girls. While we were there a package arrived that contained a video that Robin had made for Ellie. We all sat and watched it with tears streaming down our faces. It was priceless and I sure want to thank Robin for sharing it with us. After leaving Robin's house Sheri and I went to a few adorable shops and we decided to stop by Adoption Associates to vist Mary. Mary had been to Hubei with us and was there for our gotcha day and she was a very important part of our adoption. It was fun to take the girls into that building where we saw their faces for the first time. Thank you ladies for a great day! Wish I lived closer! Happy Birthday sweet Ellie!
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Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Ready Set Play Class
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Monday, October 01, 2007
It passed!
Thankfully around 4:00 am the new budget passed. It raised our taxes of course but Dayton will have school, my mom won't be laid off and life can continue as normal! Whew!
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Monday, October 01, 2007
Labels: Misc.
Please Pray for Our State!
These were taken on Dayton's fourth grade field trip to our Capital, I love this building and was born right down the road from it.
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Monday, October 01, 2007
Labels: Misc.