Thursday, September 11, 2008

"sorry for the dis-ruption folks" Patrick Swayze, Dirty Dancing

Sorry to those of you who must be my faithful followers that asked what the heck happened, why did I go private all of the sudden. All I can say is I had a really crappy day and really questioned why I put myself out there all the time, to make it sound like I am happy and upbeat when I really feel sad, frustrated and beat-up. It has just been a bad week, that is all I will say. Sometimes I want to just hide and not be transparent with my feelings. Right now is one of those times. Ironically it happens to be Sept. 11th. Sad day to begin with. Except for the fact that it is my Grandpa's birthday, it is just going down in my record book as being a bad day, it is allowed right? Don't worry, things will be all rosy around here again soon, just not right now. Well, I am going to go watch my 50th episode of Dora the Explorer, no, actually just typing the word Explorer is frustrating, so I will switch the channel to Sesame Street! Sorry for those of you who got confused, somedays I wonder why I do this (blog), I know why, for my family and friends who live near and far and the thought of letting them down was enough for me to come out of seclusion. I am a woman, I can change my mind with a seconds notice right?! If that ever happens again, I will still have my other blog to follow along with, not much personal stuff over there, more about decorating and fun women stuff for those of you who are interested.


Dawn said...

Oh thank are normal :) I did panic yesterday, and then went to your other blog, got sidetracked (happens alot lately) and never commented about where you were.

Thinking of you and praying for peace during these "bad" days~


ruths said...

Well you poor thing. I do hope your day gets better. But when you think you have it bad call someone else and their day will be as bad if not worse. This past weekend we had to take BOB to the er in Lakeview because he had all the symptoms of having a heart attack. He was then transported to Lansing after being in the er for 3 hoiurs so I had to go back to the campground and close everything up and then drive to Lansing to Ingham. Thank God we have friends up there who were a great help. needless to say I did not get home until 4:00 in the morning. They did release him Sunday afterneen. but he had to have more test on Monday morning but he past all his test with flying colors and they release him to go back to work but they really don't know what was going on they actually treated him like he was having a heart attack. with each nitro they gave him his symptoms got better.... So just when you think like is only picking ion you look to someone else... believe me I have those days all the time. Chin up... But sometimes you know we have to be able to b----,and complain and have pity days we are allowed...

Kim said...

Don't be hard on yourself. Your certainly allowed bad days. There's many days I just want to throw the covers over my head and not face the day, but then I'll hear this sweet little voice saying, "good morning mama" and so begins a new day. Some how God gives me the strength to endure another day of strong wills and temper tantums. I'm also thankful He gives us all a sense of humor.

Keep the faith and know that your never walking this journey alone even though it may seem like it. Our God is always right beside you and He knows exactly what your feeling.

Sending a hug your way!

ww said...

Sorry to hear that you are having a bad day and car problems. Thanks for re-opening your blog and being so honest. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Blessings, Wendy (and Bella)

Virginia said...

Oh man, sounds like you're having the week from h*#l. Sorry it's been so crummy. Glad you're back but I can understand about wanting to disappear sometimes. It's your prerogative and if it makes you feel better...more power to ya.
Hope things start looking up for you soon.


Heather said...

Oh Leslie - we all have bad days - I go for a ride (which you could not do!), go for a walk AWAY from my blog, think unhappy, self depricating thoughts, the gamut. But, at the end of the day or the series of days, the fact still remains that there are blessings to count and prayers to be said.

Thinking of you and praying for you. Allow yourself to be true to your feelings and life at this moment - it is okay.


3 Peanuts said...

Oh sweet Leslie. I feel bad. If it weren't an hour later your time, I would call you right now. I feel terrible that you are having such a tough time. We all have them. I will tell you what ALWAYS helps me...I write down three to five things that I am grateful for in a notebook. It doesn't help right away but over does. I am sending you a HUGE hug and I am hoping things turn around soon. Lots of love,

Lori said...

Oh goodness gracious Leslie, that is so normal and whatever you decide with your blog is your decision, I'll still be your real-life friend. :)
Those kinds of days are always tough and I don't like them does help to make the sweeter moments sweeter though.
At least you still have your sense of humor. :)

Erin said...

Oh Leslie... I feel really terrible for you. I know alot about terrible days... and, as I told a friend yesterday who is going through some heartbreak, I remember being told that things would get better, and thinking, "not for me... my heart is just too cold & sad" But, of course, things HAVE gotten better, & I am able to find great joy again. Thank heavens.. literally. Bless your heart.

Erin said...

Oh Leslie... I feel really terrible for you. I know alot about terrible days... and, as I told a friend yesterday who is going through some heartbreak, I remember being told that things would get better, and thinking, "not for me... my heart is just too cold & sad" But, of course, things HAVE gotten better, & I am able to find great joy again. Thank heavens.. literally. Bless your heart.

Somewhere In The Sun said...

Are there ANY of us bloggers who HAVEN'T felt this way at one time or another? I'm so glad you came back.


jennifer said...

You don't always have to be upbeat. We all have those times. I stopped blogging this summer for a while because I was in a perpetual bad mood. It's good to know you're like the rest of us.