Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy 40th Sherry!

My dearest friend Sherry turns 40 today and I want to wish her the best day ever! She moved with her family to Wisconsin last year and my life just isn't the same. We still gab on the phone like we always have and try to see each other a few times a year but I miss knowing that she is just a short drive away. We met when our boys were 3 years old and starting pre-school. That means we have been friends for 10 years now! She is one person I know I can call at anytime and she is there for me. We sure have stood by each other in some tough times, she always understands and cares. She is such a warm and sweet person to be around and I have so much fun when we are together. She is a wonderful mother, wife and daughter. I am so thankful for her in my life. I hope you have a great day Sherry, wish I could be there to watch you blow out your candles, please blow them out before the smoke detector goes off! Ha Ha!!! Love ya!!!


Football and Fried Rice said...

Happy Birthday!! I love having great friends!!

Lori said...

Happy 40th to your beautiful friend!