It means mom shares her time with you...

It means Great Grandma's lap can hold 2 of us now.

It means you have a best friend for life.
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Monday, September 29, 2008
Here are a few more from the other days shoot with Myah, it is a good thing I didn't want her smiling in alot of them, yeah right! Oh well, that is Myah! I am learning how to use Flicker so please bear with me! By the way, the dress is the one I bought from Matilda Jane at Art in the Park this summer. I just realized how much she still looks like that very first picture that we ever saw of her (referral picture on the right of the screen). Just more hair! I never posted about her first haircut but we did have it cut for the first time in July, quite a bit came off to keep it healty. It was down to her waist and needed a trim. Hopefully it grows fast! I sure am thankful that the neighbors behind us can't sell this little spot of land, I love taking pictures back there!
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
On Monday Myah began Dance Class! I have waited so long to have a little girl that can take dance! She was super excited and actually slept in her leotard when we first brought it home. She is in pre-dance for 3 and 4 year olds. She is learning a little ballet and tap at the same time. At first she went right in, I wondered how long she would last. The assistant was trying to move her legs and arms like the teacher was showing and I could see her shaking her head "no". That is the Myah I know! After that she came over to me with a big pout and tears. So we sat in the room and watched together for a while. The teacher then brought out a balance beam and the mats and I knew she wanted to join in. So I told her I would give her a whole pack of gum if she went out there. A little bribe but it worked like a charm, she sprang right up and joined in the fun. She was so cute! Half way through they yell "tap shoes" and the little girls all run to us mommies to put the shoes on for them. Boy did it get loud quickly! She was very proud of herself and kept looking at me for approval and to make sure I was still watching her. She has a friend in the class so I think that will help. She loved it and came home and showed the guys what she had learned. She looked so little out there, normally in a crowd of her peers she is the big one. I think she will get lots of one on one because many of the girls have been through this class before, she needs a little coaching. She didn't do anything before asking "what is that" or "why", typical Myah!
Forgive these awful pictures, I wasn't sure if photos were allowed so I just took the wimpy camera along. Trust me, I will have pictures! Actually just today I did a mini photo shoot with her in the back yard and am very happy with the results. I will post those later.
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Myah loves being a big cousin!
I was able to celebrate my Dad's birthday with him, it was a super quick trip but so glad that I could. I have a cute video of his birthday cake too but will post that later too! This is me and my sister Melanie with my parents and our girls.
We went to Taylor's football game and enjoyed ourselves before he got hurt. His birthday was the next day too!
On Saturday we were honored to attend Mrs. Wallace's 80th birthday celebration. She and her husband were my grandparents best friends forever. Since my grandma passed away 6 years ago I have tried to make an effort to keep in touch with them. Mr. Wallace passed away a year and a half ago. We love her like family and we were so glad that we could share this special day with her. Her son made a beautiful toast and said that when Mr. W. passed away during the dinner after the funeral Mrs. W. said "your dad would have liked this, all of his friends and family together in one place" So he said they decided to throw her a grand 80th so that she could experience this joy in her lifetime. So many tears and laughs. Myah just loves her and keeps calling her Grandma. Mrs. W. reminds me so much of my grandmother. They traveled the world together and shopped all of the time, so many things in her home are the same things that my grandma had. It does my heart good to have a place like that to visit to remind me of how things used to be. I miss it!
I just love her to pieces! Such a classy lady! Mark lived with them when he first moved down here almost 20 years ago, he was right out of college and was hired as a police officer. They lovingly opened their beautiful home to him so he could get acquanited with the area. Dayton took alot of pride in knowing he was now taller than Mrs W!
After her party we went to the home of one of Mark's officers. He has an annual fish fry and invites alot of the guys from the department. It was fun catching up with everyone. Myah loved playing with all of her little friends. Little Allie was adopted from South Korea a few years ago, Myah was so cute with her. Dayton had a blast playing in the rain with the kids, they were soaked at the end of the night.
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Monday, September 15, 2008
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Saturday, September 13, 2008
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Friday, September 12, 2008
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