Monday, May 5, 2008

Thank You Erin and Libby!

Such a pretty quilt square and wish!
The box of goodies!
I love this soap!!
Mommy Myah is all prepared with her new supplies
Isn't Erin's handwriting the cutest!!

I meant to post this last week but time got away from me! I received the sweetest package in the mail the other day and I squealed when I saw who it was from, Erin and Libby! I just love this special family. They were in China getting Libby the week before us. I remember following their website and reading every little detail, especially because we were going to be there next! They came home from China the day that we left. I am so thankful that we have been in touch, and have become bloggy friends. Erin is an amazing mother and wife, she has shown so much grace through some of the most difficult times in a mother's life.
Twelve days after coming home from China with her daughter Libby, her son James fell to his death while climbing a mountain near their home. He was 15 years old. We weren't even home from China yet. Erin didn't post about this incident until several months later, I remember reading her update and I sat here and cried. Last I had read, she was just home with Libby and enjoying her 5 children. I just could not have imagined the emotions that she must have been feeling. Not only was the death of James tragic, but Libby needed a major surgery on her skull a few months after arriving home. Her faith is so admirable and I wish we lived closer, I would hug her all of the time!

I just love her style, we are very similar that way. I could see us getting in lots of trouble if we shopped together :)! When her package arrived I was so excited! She sent Myah a quilt square for her 100 Wishes Quilt (still taking them by the way), I loved the fabric and wish that she sent, it is something I would have picked out myself!!! She sent me the prettiest smelling soap! I just love that store! Libby sent Myah a bag full of goodies for her dolly! She has played and played with it so much!
P.S. I still need a few more squares for Myah's quilt if you would like to be included email me at for my address!

Thank you so much Erin and Libby, we truly appreciate your friendship and your thoughtfullness!


Erin said...

I am flattered, Leslie... and if we lived closer, I "would hug you all the time" too! Thank you!

jennifer said...

How exciting. I recently found Erin's blog and cried as I read the whole thing. She really is such a neat mom.

If you'll email me your address, I'd love to send you a square.

3 Peanuts said...

We got the SAMe fabulous package but I have not been able to pst about it due to all of my computer issues. Isn't it lovely? Erin is lovely! Miss you friend. Hope all is well.


Football and Fried Rice said...

I remember this precious family (I followed their story on myadoptionwebsite) Erin is such a strong woman and offered a lot of hope & encouragement for anyone who has suffered any loss. I can remember weeping onto my keyboard & then continuing to check on them & then when Libby had to have surgery, I weeped again. What an incredible faith to bond them together. Thanks for linking their blog, I would love to "check" on how they are all doing.....

Lori said...

How kind of Erin~ what a sweet package to receive! The fabric/wish is beautiful! I like that soap too!