Saturday, May 31, 2008
Happy 40th Mark (Daddy)!
Today my better half turns the big 4-0, I am so thankful that we can share this special day with him. When I think of people whom I admire for their hard work, strength and character, he is top on my list. I am a very lucky lady to have spent 22 years of my life with him, he has made me a better person in every way. He is a husband like no other, I have never had to question his love or devotion for me. He is a wonderful Dad, he has always loved children and I knew that he would be a great father, he is so much fun and has a way of looking at life through their eyes that is just so tender. He is a man of faith, integrity, loyalty and humor. Lots of humor! He laughs so easily and is a big practical jokester. Mark is a great boss, I hear so many great things about him from his fellow officers and I am know that having the respect of his co workers is very important to him. He stands up for what is right yet still respects people who have done wrong. He is a true sports fan, he loves to watch any kind from t-ball to golf, he is good at any sport he plays, sometimes I ask him if there is anything he can't do. He is such a help around the house, he is my right hand man, very hands on with the kids and with the day to day. He loves to cook, much better than me for sure! I always tell the kids that we will eat good when dad is on midnights because he does the cooking!
I could go on and on, but I won't, I am so thankful for him in my life, we have sure been through so many of lifes ups and downs and I look forward to many more with him.
Happy Birthday Mark!! We love you so much!
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Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Party On Dude!
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Friday, May 30, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
It Was a Memorial Weekend
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Monday, May 26, 2008
Labels: family
Happy Memorial Day
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Monday, May 26, 2008
Labels: family
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Maria Sue Chapman

Maria Sue Chapman, adopted and youngest daughter to Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman, was killed Wednesday night in a tragic accident in the family driveway on Wednesday evening. She was LifeFlighted to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital but for only reasons God can explain she went home to Him... not to Franklin as we all so desperately wanted.
Your prayers are needed for all in the Chapman family. This is a family who has so generously loved and given to so many. Just hours before this close knit family was celebrating the engagement of the oldest daughter Emily Chapman, and were just hours away from a graduation party marking Caleb Chapman's completion of high school. Now, they are preparing to bury a child who blew out 5 candles on a birthday cake less than 10 days ago. These words are unthinkable to type. And yet we trust in a God who was not surprised by this and because of Jesus I am certain through faith in Him we will see Maria again. - Jim Houser (Manager)
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Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Congratulations Susan and Paul!
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Catching Up!

We missed our kids so much, it was nice to tuck them into their beds last night. It was very nice to have a weekend with my sweet hubby though, we need much more of that! Sorry this was very long, I have to jot these things down or else I will forget!!! Here are a few pictures from the week!
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Monday, May 19, 2008
Labels: family
Friday, May 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Grandma AND Lon!!
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Friday, May 16, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
National Police Memorial Day
Tonight we will be attending the awards ceremony and police memorial tribute for Mark's police department. We are always honored to attend this event and pay tribute to those who have shown great heroism throughout the year and also to reflect on those lives who were taken while on duty. This is something that we have experienced first hand. On July 23rd 2003, our friend and fellow officer Lew Stevens was hit by a drunk driver and killed instantly. He was the first and I pray the only officer that was killed in the line of duty at Mark's department. He was one of Mark's first training officers, a fellow detective with Mark and also his friend. This was one of the saddest experiences of our lives. Mark was ordered into work immediately, he lived there for the following days as he was one of the officers in charge of planning Lew's funeral. I have never seen anything like it. I was amazed at the brotherhood of all of the men in blue. I could see police motorcycles for miles and police lights for even longer. It was a beautiful tribute to our hero. Lew's name is on the memorial wall in Washington D.C., someday I would love to take Mark there to see it.
I know first hand the sacrifice that it takes to be a police officer, Mark always says he didn't become a police officer for the money. Sometimes I wonder why then? I believe in my heart it was what God chose him to do. He loves helping people no matter what the cost. After he fatally shot a man in order to save his own life, a few years ago, I did ask and pray for him to leave, it was a very difficult time for both of us. That moment changed our lives. God truly saved him. He was off work for 6 weeks while the investigation went on. As I posted last November, it is just now finally over and that was 3 years ago. I doubt a day goes by that Mark doesn't think about that day. But that does not stop him from lacing up his boots every night and doing the best job that he can do for his department and his community. Yes, many times "they" come first, it isn't always easy for me and the kids to accept, but I know he has a duty to do and a job he loves, he is good at it. Mark is the youngest Lieutenant that the department has, yet he has experienced so much in his almost 19 years. I am so proud of him and always have been, he is our hero and we honor him tonight as well.
Today marks the National Police Memorial Day around the country, if you have a flag please fly it at half staff in honor of those who ended their watch during the past year.
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Thursday, May 15, 2008
Labels: Mark
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
China Earthquake
Half the Sky foundation has set up and emergency fund for orphanages in China that may have been affected by the devastating earthquake earlier this week. My heart and prayers go out to the people of China, I can't imagine the state of chaos that they are experiencing right now. After being in China, I can appreciate the magnitute of destruction that this must have caused. The loss of life is heartwrenching, and from the reports that I have heard indicate that 80% of the Province of Sichuan is destroyed. Unbelievable. Sichuan is the neighboring Province to the west of Hubei, where Myah is from . Where we stayed in Wuhan is only about 300 miles east of the epicenter of the earthquake. I "know" a mother who just went to Sichuan last month to receive her daughter. As I last checked the death toll was 20,000 with 15,000 or more missing. There are several orphanages in that area, Half the Sky is updating their site regularly as to the status of the children. If you are interested in donating to this fund please go here.
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Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Best Gift
Last night I was tucking Myah in to bed. It had been a very long weekend as we had been up at 5 am each morning to be at the ballfields by 7:00. Myah was exhausted but we still sat in her bed together and I read her Bluberries for Sal, she was flipping through to the end, she was ready to drop. After her story always comes her prayers. She prays for everyone, even the neighbor's dog Ribbon. We always include her family in China, although this time I specifically said a special prayer for her mother in China. The words she spoke next left me speechless and tears in my eyes.
Myah: "You and Daddy come get me in China"
Me: "Yes we did, with Dayton and Grandma too"
Myah: "You bring me back to Michigan"
Me: " Yes we did, we brought you here to your house and we love you"
She has said all of this before but her next words were new to us.
Myah: " Mommy, you saved me"
Me: "um, um, yes we did Myah, and you saved us"
I was just blown away, I kissed her goodnight and ran down to call Mark at work, I asked him if he had told her that before and he said that he hadn't, and was just as touched as I was.
I am so thankful that she feels this way, what a priceless Mother's Day gift.
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Monday, May 12, 2008
Labels: Myah
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
My daughter....
My son (taken today).....
My mother and sister....
My Mother-In-Law.....
My Grandmother.......
"All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother." -- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
This weekend we are at a baseball tournament with Dayton so I am spending my Mother's Day at the ball diamonds! I don't think that is what they had in mind when they say mom wants diamonds for her special day! Wishing you all a very special day!
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Saturday, May 10, 2008
Labels: family
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Prom Past and Present

Prom season is upon us and every weekend we see young couples going out to dinner before the big event, dressed in their finest, smelling their best, 100 bobby pins holding up that hair, well tanned bodies, giddy in love and enjoying this special night in their lives. I know I have told you before that Mark and I went to 3 proms together! Poor guy had to come home from college to take me to my senior prom! Mark knows I totally get all gushy and geeked up when I see prom couples. The other night we were in Applebees and he said, "oh boy Les, it is prom!" He knew I would spend our dinner checking the dresses out. Wow have they changed since I went to prom, they look more like the pretty little something I wore on our wedding night!
Our nephews both attended their prom a few weeks ago and my cousin Kortney also attended her prom the same weekend. I can't believe that they are now as old as we were back then, where does the time go? Nate is graduating this year and has been dating the swettest young lady, Rachel for about a year now. Taylor went with a friend of his and Kortney also went with a cutie pie. Boy does this take me back! Twenty years ago this week I was crowned Prom Queen of the Class of 1988, my goodness, do I feel old! Twenty years!!!! Two decades ago! 20 dress sizes later too! (ok not really but close, I was barely a size 1 back then! ) I pulled my old yearbook out this week, it just seems so strange that I hardly see any of those people on those pages anymore. I felt so honored to be chosen as their queen, my mom had always taught me to be nice to EVERYONE, and I guess it paid off. I remember when they called my name, I was in shock, I thought it would have gone to one of the couples up for it. Instead, one of the guys who was in one of those relationships won the King and I was the queen. We were good friends and he was a nice guy so I was happy for him as well, we had to share a dance, it was a bit awkward but I remember us both shaking from the excitement and both shared how honored we were. My Dad's really good friend was our Assistant Principal and he crowned me that night. Our Principal had been in trouble for conducting a strip search and so our AP was the acting Principal at the time. It was kind of neat that Mr. H. got to crown me being that he actually knew my family well. The teacher advisor in charge of the Prom came up to me immediately and apologized for the fact that my bouquet of roses were at home in her refrigerator, she asked for my address and told me she would drop them off the next day after my track meet. Sure enough, the next day, I arrived home late in the day and they were on our porch. So in our picture in the yearbook you can't see my crown because I had huge 80's bangs and it got lost in my hair, and I had no roses! So typical of the way things go in my life! I remember looking over at Mark while I was dancing with Andy (king) and he had the biggest smile on his face, he has always been so supportive of me! I remember going back to Mark's parents house that night after the prom and his brother Scott was still awake and he asked how our night went, I pulled my crown out of my hair and he congratulated me. My parents were really proud of me as well. My dad kept calling me Queenie. That was also the name of our first Irish Setter so not sure that was a good thing! I will always treasure my little crown and the honor I felt that night, it was very special to me. Here are a few pictures of the new prom and the old prom couples!
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Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Labels: family, Mark and Leslie
Monday, May 5, 2008
Thank You Erin and Libby!

I meant to post this last week but time got away from me! I received the sweetest package in the mail the other day and I squealed when I saw who it was from, Erin and Libby! I just love this special family. They were in China getting Libby the week before us. I remember following their website and reading every little detail, especially because we were going to be there next! They came home from China the day that we left. I am so thankful that we have been in touch, and have become bloggy friends. Erin is an amazing mother and wife, she has shown so much grace through some of the most difficult times in a mother's life.
I just love her style, we are very similar that way. I could see us getting in lots of trouble if we shopped together :)! When her package arrived I was so excited! She sent Myah a quilt square for her 100 Wishes Quilt (still taking them by the way), I loved the fabric and wish that she sent, it is something I would have picked out myself!!! She sent me the prettiest smelling soap! I just love that store! Libby sent Myah a bag full of goodies for her dolly! She has played and played with it so much!
Thank you so much Erin and Libby, we truly appreciate your friendship and your thoughtfullness!
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Monday, May 05, 2008