Tonight we got to meet the newest addition to our family, little Morgan. We LOVE her! She is here in Michigan in order to have her cleft repair surgery tomorrow. We had dinner tonight with her family (her Grandma is my cousin). It was so nice to visit with them. She is the sweetest little girl! Oh my, she is just beautiful, she has the longest eye lashes I have ever seen. And my little China girl was obsessed with her! She didn't want to leave her side! Morgan is so happy and when she smiles you can't help but fall in love with her! Please say a special prayer for her tonight, her surgery is in the morning bright and early, she will be in arm restraints for 2-3 weeks in order to keep her little hands off of her mouth. Poor baby! She has only been home from China for a week and she flew up here for the surgery. She is racking up some great frequent flyer miles! Myah is in love with her new cousin that is for sure, she has been talking about Morgan all day and night. She even scolded Dayton for touching her gift bag in the car, she said "no touch Dayton, for Morgan, her ladybug". We love you Morgan we will be praying for you! PS: Thanks for the squeaky shoes for Myah!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
We Are in Love With Morgan!
Tonight we got to meet the newest addition to our family, little Morgan. We LOVE her! She is here in Michigan in order to have her cleft repair surgery tomorrow. We had dinner tonight with her family (her Grandma is my cousin). It was so nice to visit with them. She is the sweetest little girl! Oh my, she is just beautiful, she has the longest eye lashes I have ever seen. And my little China girl was obsessed with her! She didn't want to leave her side! Morgan is so happy and when she smiles you can't help but fall in love with her! Please say a special prayer for her tonight, her surgery is in the morning bright and early, she will be in arm restraints for 2-3 weeks in order to keep her little hands off of her mouth. Poor baby! She has only been home from China for a week and she flew up here for the surgery. She is racking up some great frequent flyer miles! Myah is in love with her new cousin that is for sure, she has been talking about Morgan all day and night. She even scolded Dayton for touching her gift bag in the car, she said "no touch Dayton, for Morgan, her ladybug". We love you Morgan we will be praying for you! PS: Thanks for the squeaky shoes for Myah!
Posted by
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Wuhan Snow
This was one of the headlines today on my news, I just about fell over, this is in Myah's Province of Hubei and we stayed in Wuhan. The snow is crippling China, this is the worst snowfall since 1950. A few people I know are missing their Gotcha Days because they are stuck in Beijing unable to fly into the airports of their baby's Province. I can't imagine the headache this must be causing. When we were in Hubei we learned that it is one of the 3 Furnaces of China because it is soooo hot!!!!! When RuQing was here for Christmas she told me that she knew of Wuhan as being a "ring of fire" because of the hot temps. The snow is beautiful even though it is causing so much trouble!
Posted by
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Our High School Romance
Today marks a very special day for Mark and I, 22 years ago, he gave me his big 'ol class ring and asked if I would "go with him". Well, I took the ring, wore it on my finger with a huge ball of yarn wrapped around it and the rest is our history! We have been together ever since. I was a mere 15 years old and he was 17, a sophomore and a senior, cheerleader and basketball player. At the time I knew he was a special person and I hope he felt the same way, but I didn't start out this relationship with him expecting that I would spend the rest of my life with him, it just happened! He actually asked me in the kitchen of my parent's house during half time of the Superbowl between the Chicago Bears and the New England Patriots. This is how long ago it was, do you remember the SuperBowl shuffle and Refrigerator Perry, well, that was in 1986, same year as us! And the Space Shuttle blew up 2 days later. Wow, that seems like a long time ago! Somehow, months of dating became years and we became engaged and then married. And here we are with two beautiful children. We sure have seen alot of couples come and go and marriages fail during these years, and I am so thankful that our special relationship has been able to survive the test of time, years away at college, long distance romance and all of life's ups and downs. Mark is such a wonderful man and always has been. I am so thankful that I said yes so many years ago. We have always said "Happy Anniversary " to each other on the 26th of every month for 22 years, we even picked June 26 as our wedding date. It has now become a little competition to see who remembers it first. He just brought me a beautiful bouquet of roses and a whole bag of just "green m&m's", oh no, they are in a bag called the color of my love m&m's, I think I am in trouble! Hee Hee! Here is a little stroll down memory lane..... (ps, I had to add this cute song today!)
It actually all began when I was in 4th grade and Mark was in 6th grade, we met way back then!
Here is where our sparks were ignited, on the basketball court! Oh he will never forgive me for posting these pictures! Hee hee!This was his Senior prom, I loved the apple trees in his parent's backyard.
This was my Junior prom, he surprised me by pulling up to my house in his co-worker's new Grand Am GT, it was so cool at the time!
This was my senior prom, poor Mark had to go with me when he was a sophomore in college, however, I was crowned Prom Queen that night and I was not about to go alone or with someone else, and actually he would not let it happen either, he never complained! I remember how happy he was for me, I was so honored. This really doesn't seem that long ago now that I look back on it!
Posted by
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Labels: family, Mark and Leslie
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Feeling a Little Blue and Thankful Thursday
I heard, "Oh Myah!!!" I said "What is it Dayton?" He replied, "you don't want to know". This is what I found, she said "chap-tick Momma", referring to the blue smelly marker in her hand.
It has been that kind of a week around here with Princess Myah. I can't turn my back for a second and she is into everything! This is one wore out momma! I took her to a new pediatrician today that I love! She has referred me to a Ear Nose and Throat specialist concerning Myah's tonsils. I am relieved actually. Her tonsils are HUGE! She has not slept well in about a month, snoring very loudly, choking on food and is very irritable. On top of that, she has two new teeth that have erupted and they look very decayed. I am so upset! The pediatric dentist appointment is next week. Mark's eye surgery is on the 6th so I am not scheduling anything during that period. We have been through this surgery before and I know what we are in for. I have been praying that a doctor would finally listen to our concerns with Myah's tonsils. The doctor handed me a note today with the ENT's number on it and to my delight is was a Chinese doctor who I had heard wonderful things about, and the note paper had a lady bug on it. I feel like we are headed in the right direction. I sure hope so! It was sad today when I was filling out all of the new patient forms, I had to leave so many blanks empty and boxes unchecked because I just don't know anything about her past or her family history. Finally, one long form just had a spot at the top to check if she was adopted, I wish I had her answers. When I saw the ladybug on the note, it made me realize that even if we don't know much about her past, we are her future....and her family.
I am thankful this week for.........
-Mark, for taking the girls ( me and Myah) shopping at the mall this week, we loved it! For picking out just the perfect catcher's equipment for Dayton, he loves it! For the best cup of hot cocoa delivered to me in my comfy chair on these cold nights! ( He does it almost every night!)
-Dayton, for playing with your sissy so that mom can have a break! For the sweet hug you gave me last night because you knew I needed it!
-Myah, for being so good at the doctor's office even though you were way out of your comfort zone! For trying the big girl potty once again!
-Little Morgan who is safe and sound in her new home! We hope to see her next week when they come up north for her surgery!
-My sister Melanie and little Annabelle are feeling well again. Mel had beginning stages of pneumonia and Annabelle had bronchitis.
-The sweet lady at the scrapbook store who so patiently showed me the easiest way to create a little project that I want to make.
-The better late than never Christmas gifts that arrived in the mail this week from my cousin Sheri and her family, the kids loved them! I love to get surprise packages in the mail!
-My Sunday night chats with my parents. I wish we lived closer!
-Sweet Lynn who is leaving tomorrow for China to get her little Olivia!
-My new date book, it is filling up fast but boy does it help keep me on schedule!!!!
-For health and dental insurance, I feel very blessed that we have this security in these stressful times. My heart breaks for those who don't have it.
-For the sunshine that has been peeking through those dreary clouds! Bring it on!!!!
-For sweet messages from all of you, I get a thrill each time I see a new one!!! Just brightens my day!
Posted by
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Labels: Myah, Thankful Thursdays
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Good Things
You all know how I love to pass on a good thing when I find it so here are a few that I want to pass on before I forget (or get to busy)!
First of all, sweet Stephanie at When East Meets South is holding a great raffle to raise money to bring her little sweet Shepherd home from China. I just love Stephanie, she was one of the first websites that I ever visited during our wait and I learned so much from her. She is a great mommy for one, Shepherd will be her 8th child, her 4th from China! You must stop by her site, she is amazing and she is giving away this beautiful camera with the purchase of a $10 raffle ticket. Please help her out and tell her I sent you!
Also the beautiful Chinese New Year stamps are once again for sale at the Post Office, I picked up two sets yesterday, they are goregous and will be perfect for those red envelopes that you send for the Chinese New Year to all of your friends.
Another favorite new find is this beautiful set of rings from The Silly Wagon they were designed to wear during your wait for the adoption of your sweet child. They are handmade with the words, Wait, Dream and Hope. I think these would be a GREAT gift and they are very reasonably priced.

I have to pass along this great deal from Red Envelope, you might remember the beautiful mother and daughter necklace that Mark purchased for me for Mother's Day a few weeks before we went to China, well this is the "friend" version of the necklace and it is on sale right now for $29.00 down from $78.00 I love Red Envelope, they have many items with Chinese details.

Posted by
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Labels: Good Things
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Three Years Ago Today, It All Began........

On this date 3 years ago, we signed our paperwork with Adoption Associates, and began the amazing journey to our precious daughter. At that moment, we were full of so much hope and excitement for the first time in a long time. Once we had decided to move forward with an international adoption, we did everything in our power to move as quickly as possible. The night that we asked Dayton if he would like a little Chinese sister , Mark and I had been watching House Hunters on HGTV with Susan Wang ( a Chinese lady), at that point, I told Mark that I could not wait any longer, it was time to include Dayton in our decision making. We were so excited, we were almost fighting over who would ask him first! He was so thrilled, his eyes were filled with a new sparkle. What a gift a sister would be! He was in love with little Miss Whitney and the thought of having his own "Whitney" was enough to seal the deal in his mind!
I remember the day we filled out our application like it was yesterday, I remember the silly little details, like how perfect I thought our social worker Karen's handwriting was and how organized she seemed. As we sat in her office I was staring at all of the beautiful souvenirs that she had picked up during her trips to China, the gorgeous pictures on her walls, this all seemed so foreign to me at the time, but so intriguing, I wanted to see these beautiful places, purchase those beautiful gifts, but most of all, send her a Christmas card with our little girl's face on it too. Mark was so cute, asking so many questions, I am sure that Karen thought that this guy must never run out of them. We received a huge handbook that day and I swear I read everything from front to back several times. When we left the office, I never dreamed that words like immigration, 171-H, dossier, consulate, and Li Wen Ting would ever be part of my vocabulary.
This morning, as I play with my little China doll, I am reminded of all of the special people who were so instrumental in making the dream of our daughter a reality. It really did take a village! When we had Dayton, it was just Mark and I, when we adopted Myah, there was a whole list of people that had a hand in bringing her home to us. Someday Myah will learn about all of her special "Fairy God People". She is our daughter to raise as our own, but a day doesn't pass where we don't praise God for his hand in all of this, he planted the seed in my mind, put the right people in all the right places, protected Myah until we could bring her home, and most of all, guides us daily in raising our precious children.
Posted by
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Labels: Adoption
Friday, January 18, 2008
Do You Hear That?
I finally figured out how to add music to our blog! Yeah for me! I love all kinds of music and loved changing the songs on our old baby jelly beans site but I just couldn't get my act together over here! I put a few of my favs on here, I am sure that I will be mixing it up every now and then. Ok, I am off do my happy dance! The first one is one that I have loved for many years by Collin Raye, we have seen him in concert many times through the years. So turn up the music if you want or turn it down if you are at work, I would feel horrible if I was the reason you got fired!
Posted by
Friday, January 18, 2008
Labels: Misc.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Thankful Thursday
It has been a while since I have done my Thankful Thursday but I felt the need to express my thankfulness this week especially. I am thankful...
-For Mark, for hanging in there until your eye surgery is done, I know you are having a hard time, it won't be long sweetie and you will be able to see so much better!
-For Dayton, bless your little heart, you have had quite a difficult week, I am so thankful for your patience and for putting up with all of the pain that accompanied your braces. I promise no more soft foods!
-For Myah, oh honey, you have made me a happy mommy this week! I have prayed for the day when you would give in to the fact that you are here to stay and that you would accept us and the love that we give you. I think we are there! Thank you for saying "mommy, I love you and I missed you!" and for the great week that we had together.
-For a wonderful lunch today with my dear friend Debbie, I have missed her so badly, we sat at the restaurant for almost 4 hours!
-For the new season of American Idol, we made cupcakes for the occasion! Thank you for giving us two nights of great fun and laughter! Two words, "guy liner"!
-For our wonderful visit with Mrs. W. on Saturday. She was the sweetest hostess! She was my Grandma's best friend and it was such a sentimental day for us all!
-For the sweetest message from Martin P., your words were so touching and we have always appreciated your support!
-For Sherry's new job,I am so happy for her!
-For the thoughtful nominations from Lynn and Stephanie for a few blogger awards! I was touched by your kind words!
-For our new baseball team and the warm welcome that we have received!
-For little Morgan who is on a plane right now, heading to her new life here in the USA!
Posted by
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I Love This Book!
I picked this book up at our local Border's bookstore as a family gift to put under the tree. It is the most beautiful book I have ever seen. It has a gorgeous red silk cover and is just full of wonderful photos and information inside. It is a wonderful reference book for all of our little girls and boys. I highly, highly recommend adding this one to your collection. It would be a very special Gotcha Day anniversary gift. It runs about $40.00 and is published by DK books. I believe you can find it at Barnes and Noble online for $32.00. Love it love it love it!
PS: thanks for all of the tips, I sure appreciate your help!
Posted by
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Labels: Good Things
I have a quick question that probably has a very simple answer. I am just wondering how to add a name with a link to their blog. I can't figure out how to add that to my post. I have tried to click the add a link feature but it won't show up in my message. I see many of you doing this and I am trying to figure it out without destroying everything! While I am at it, how do you add music, is it a widget? I need specific directions, aren't I pathetic!
Posted by
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Labels: Misc.
Friday, January 11, 2008
I want to go back!
Maybe it is the fact that the weather here is freezing with 15" of snow one week and sunny and 62 the next (made the snow all melt),or maybe it is the fact that my sister Melanie lost control of her car on the ice today and hit a tractor by the side of the road (they are alright by the way), but I am craving some sunshine and warm weather. Today I was in a store and the cashier said, "look, there is the sun" and we all turned to look outside, and the sun was shining, it was so pretty, and just like that she said, "well, there it goes". I was looking through some pictures and realized that 5 years ago this week we came home from our Disney Cruise with Mark's family. It was the 1st Christmas without his dad and Phyllis took the whole family to Disneyworld and then on a Disney Cruise. It was so beautiful! We had a blast! I can't believe it has already been 5 years ago! I just had to post a few pictures of us in the sunshine, it is getting pretty gloomy around here! By the way, the braces are very painful for my little guy, he stayed home from school today!
Posted by
Friday, January 11, 2008
Labels: Vacations
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Brace Face
Last picture with no braces on!
A little pep talk and kiss from little sissy
Well, we just got home from getting Dayton's braces put on. We had appointments over Christmas break so that he could get them on asap. We have been going to the orthodontist for 2 years now, waiting for the day that he would give us the green light to getting them put on. After several baby teeth were lost, he was finally ready. He was so excited for this day, until he got his spacers on last week and realized that pain was involved. I had forewarned him of the pain because some 24 years ago I had mine put on. Gosh, things have sure come a long way in 24 years! He got to choose colored bands, he chose black and orange, his baseball team colors. Myah sat in the waiting room with me for an hour and 11 minutes to be exact. They are a wonderful office and have a great set up for siblings. She was so good for me. At the end a dad brought his teenager-ish Chinese daughter in for an appointment, Myah sat right next to him, it was cute. I am assuming she was adopted and wanted to ask but just then, Dayton walked out and smiled at me, with a face full of metal! He is pretty sore, I took him to McD's for a vanilla shake and bought him a new PS2 game on the way home. I had some soft foods at home for him along with a goodie bag of "tooth care" products. I took the kids by myself to Red Robin last night and got Dayton his favorite meal and picked him up early from school so that he could get a full belly. Hopefully in 18 months they will be removed, just in time to (gulp) start high school! I thought it was only fair to share my lovely before and after as well! Update: As I was typing this the phone rang, I answered and a young girl was on the other end and asked for Dayton, she heard that he got braces and wondered if it was true. Oh my, we have been home an hour! I guess I just have to give in to the fact that my little boy is growing up!
Oh my, how long ago was this?
Posted by
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Labels: Dayton
Monday, January 7, 2008
Happy Gotcha Day Morgan!
I woke up this morning and rushed to view Kristina's website, and it is Gotcha Day in Nanning! Congratulations to you all! She is so beautiful! We can't wait to meet her when you come to the North! We are very excited, her cleft pallate surgery will be done here by a very good doctor! Her Grandpa and Grandma can't wait to get their hands on her. Now Myah has 2 cousins from China! Anyone else up for it? Wink!
Posted by
Monday, January 07, 2008
Labels: family
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Taking it down a notch in 2008
Well, I am hoping to at least! The new song by Point of Grace called "How You Live" is my inspiration. I LOVE this song! Totally a Leslie song, just what I needed to hear, I have been feeling this way for a long time now. You must listen to it! You will love it! Last year was so busy and crazy, sometimes I wasn't sure if I was coming or going. We had our first full year with Myah, Mark started a new position and midnights, my photography business was out of control from about September thru December and Dayton always kept us running. I am SO glad that a new year is here and I can start fresh. A new year with no major changes on the horizon. I am so glad! I have felt myself change over the past 6 months, I don't know if I am maturing or what but I have a sense of peace with who I am, with my marriage, with my children. I am becoming more set in my ways, which isn't always a bad thing. I have learned to let the little things slide on more occasions than ever. My goal for this year is to get and stay organized, spend more quality time with my family, learn to be a better cook (wink), socialize with our friends on a regular basis and not become a hermit ( I am a home-body). I am taking a few months off from taking pictures, it is very time consuming for me and I love doing it however, I am wanting to take a few classes and learn more about my camera. Also, my family really needs my attention. Dayton gets his braces on next week, had his bands put on today. He may need oral surgery twice while his braces are on, poor little guy, lets pray that the braces fix the problem. Good news is no expander is needed like they first thought. Mark goes back on midnights (frown) in Feb, and on the 6th of Feb. has surgery on his eyes again. He had this surgery done 6 years ago and it is time to have the other eye done. It is a condition that has shown up in adulthood and causes double vision, we have learned that it was something that he was born with. It is not a nice surgery. He doesn't remember how bad it was, I am not looking forward to it, it was bad. I feel bad that he has to go through this again. And, little Myah really needs my attention. I have seen a huge difference in her personality this past week, she loves it when we are together as a family. I am also going to pursue potty training. Dayton starts baseball practice this weekend, every Friday night and Sunday afternoon until the season starts. Yes, I am going to be busy. But nothing makes me happier than tending to my family. I am probably going to be blogging much less this year, I am so thankful that I have documented so much over the past 2 years. I have done most of this for the benefit of my family and it is so nice to look back on how far we have come. I will still update here and there, especially the milestones, but not so much the day to day stuff. I am not going anywhere, just taking a little breather! I also wanted to let you all know that my cousin Ruthie's stepdaughter Kristina, left yesterday for China to get her little girl Morgan. I talked to Kristina the other day before she left and it brought back so many emotions! She lives in Florida but is having her cleft pallate surgery here in Michigan so we are hoping to meet little Morgan soon! That will be 3 little China dolls in our family! So amazing! Well, I am signing off for now, going to go play in all of this snow! We had another 4 inches this morning, I swear there is at least 15 inches of it on the ground! It is gorgeous! Talk to you soon!
Posted by
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Labels: Misc.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year 2008!
Happy New Years everyone! We welcomed the new year in at home, Dayton went to a friend's house. Mark had to work until 8pm and we visited our friends Todd and Michelle for a bit and then came home and snacked until midnight! We swept our money in the doorway at midnight, a tradition that we have always done, it is supposed to bring prosperity in the new year, we'll see. My grandparents always used to do it! We woke up this morning to more than a foot of snow! We were amazed! Mark spent a good portion of the morning digging out. It is gorgeous though! We watched Michigan beat the Gators today! Yeah! Sorry Penny! I always watch the Rose Bowl parade and drool over the gorgeous floats. I made a popcorn cake for the first time and it is delicious, we have been munching on it all day, what else can you do if you are snowed in?! I am excited to see what the new year will bring! I am so happy today that my friend Lisa's husband Don finally came home, what a way to celebrate! Happy New Year!
Posted by
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Labels: Holidays