Saturday, July 21, 2007

I am blushing...

My blogger friend Lori nominated me for this award. I was so touched by her special words that she left on her blog. I started out doing baby jelly beans and have our whole adoption story, travel, etc on there. I left it right after our 1 year gotcha anniversary and moved over to this blog. It is so much fun and I love that everyone has given me such positive feedback about the new format. I still go back to bjb and reminisce but I love how simple blogging is. My family and friends are my world, I love them dearly and I am so thankful for all of the people in our lives, many of you I have met through our adoption and I never dreamed that I would meet so many wonderful families while trying to add to ours. Thank you Lori for the nomination, you are a great cyber friend and someday I hope that our paths will cross, you are a kindred spirit. We pray that your wait for your daughter will go quickly, we know that she will be worth it for sure!


3 Peanuts said...

Congrats You rockin Blogger!


Lori said...

Thanks Leslie for your very kind words!! I do hope our paths will cross, that would be a very worthwhile journey!! :)