Sunday, July 22, 2007

Happy 60th Birthday Mom and Grandma!

Last year on her birthday with all of her grandkids.

You know how they say to know her is to love her, well that is my mom Linda. Today is her 60th birthday and I am in denial. She makes 60 look really good! Many of you know my mom. When ANYONE talks about my mom they all say how NICE she is, I have to say she is THE nicest person I know. She has a heart as golden as her hair. She is just as beautiful if not more on the inside as she is on the outside. She is my best friend. I wish we lived closer, we are so much alike, my family calls me little Linda. I pray that I can be half of the woman that she is. She makes everything special, she has collected many pretty dishes throughout the years and loves to entertain and make everything beautiful. Many years ago after we moved up north (30 years ago this August) my dad was hurt on the job and becamed disabled. My mom went to work full time for our family. She still works at the same place for the State and is now a manager. She always managed to make sure that us girls had designer jeans while she shopped at second hand stores. As a child you don't realize what sacrifices that your parents go through to raise you. She made many for us. I love her now even more as I look back on what she gave up to keep us happy. She always has a smile on her face, my dad teases her about it, he says "Linda stop smiling, people will think you are goofy", but she always says, " I can't help it!" That is my mom, and would you believe, I do the same thing!!! And I can't help it!! My mom also has stayed in great physical shape, my sister and I always laugh and say it is pretty sad when your mom has more energy than you do! I remember when Mark and I first started dating and we were up at my grandparent's cottage, my mom was in a bikini and Mark (who was 17) remarked, I sure hope you look like your mom when you get to be her age! I still tease him about that one! I pray that she has a great day today, I am going up north to celebrate with her, my grandma is up there also so I am sure that it will be a fun time. I could go on and on about my mom, those of you who know her know what I mean. She is an Earth Angel and I love her dearly. Happy Birthday Mom!!!!


3 Peanuts said...

Happy birthday to your Mom! What a nice celebration!!!


Lori said...

HAPPY 60TH Ms Linda!!
What a beautiful mom you have Leslie!! That's funny about your husbands comment!