Friday, February 13, 2009

Praying for a Special Mission

My sister in law Lora and my niece Rachel are leaving on Monday for a mission trip to Uganda, Africa for 2 weeks. They are going to be volunteering at the Amani Baby Cottage, taking care of the babies and toddlers at the orphanage. Many of the babies were abandoned as infants or their parents have died from AIDS. This is their first mission trip and although they are very eager to get there they still have some fears. Please keep them in your prayers as they travel, Rachel is 14 years old and has a heart for missions, she wants to be a missionary when she grows up, I have to say I think this is a pretty "grown up" thing to do. For a while she was sleeping on a cot in her room to get herself used to living without luxuries. God is sure working through that young lady. I cannot wait to hear about their trip and see how their lives will be changed. Lora showed me some very special videos by going on You Tu*be and searching Amani Baby Cottage. So sweet! It is a very remote area in Uganda, the airport is only 45 minutes from the Cottage but it is 3 hours by car because the roads and terrain are so bad. Please pray for their health, safety and travel as they carry out God's work.

1 comment:

Sheri said...

We will definitely keep them in our prayers!