Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lora and Rachel's Mission Trip

I have received information that Lora and Rachel's church has created a blog for those of us who want to follow along on their mission to the Amani Baby Cottage in Uganda. If you would like to visi the site the go here. I am not sure how often they will be able to update but it is something. Please continue to pray for them!

1 comment:

Adele said...

Oh how exciting! I just told my husband last night that when Mallory is older, I want our family to go to Africa on a mission trip. I scrolled down and read your post and saw the picture of where they are going. I just know the Lord is going to use the team in a mighty way to minister and love on the people in Uganda. I will keep them in my prayers. How neat that you niece is being led to mission work. AWESOME!