Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's Official!

Florida 05
This picture was taken almost 4 years ago on their last day of 4th grade.

This is Dayton and his best buddy Brandon, they have been friends since 1st Grade.

It is official, Dayton is now taller than me! I am 5'6 and he is just barely taller but it still counts right? I tease him that we can start sharing clothes now, he doesn't seem too excited about that! I am seeing so many changes in him physically and I keep wondering where my little boy went to? He is such a good little guy with a big heart, a crazy sense of humor (hmmm, don't know where THAT would come from?) and is a great student. I had to take this picture the other day of him and Brandon, I have taken many through the years just to chart their progress and so that we can laugh about it in years to come. Brandon's voice is really changing and he is getting a little mustache! Oh my! I have high school orientation next month, yikes! I am sad to think that in about 4 1/2 years he could be going away to college. I am sounding dramatic but I think about how fast the past 4 years have gone since he has been at the middle school campus and I know that high school will move even faster. We have had Myah almost 3 years! Man, time flies when you are having fun. I am trying to simplify my life once again and really take the time to enjoy my children, especially now that my Dad is gone, I really realize the importance of spending quality time with my family. I want our kids to enjoy our company and know that they can come to us with any issue. I pray for guidance constantly. I feel like I am in uncharted territory on many occasions, isn't it like that with your firstborn? So much has changed since we were his age, I am always searching for a balance around here, trying to still be in control of his life and protecting him, but at the same time letting him gain some independence and learning things the hard way. I am not going to try and be his best friend, but I also want him to know that I am someone he can confide in and trust. I love my children so much, they are my world. I feel like we are entering a new stage in his life, and in ours, I am looking forward to it but I am scared at the same time. I love the phrase "give them roots and wings", and feel like that is where I am at with Dayton, every day is a lesson to be learned lately, I am trying to strengthen his "roots" so that someday I can give him his "wings" and be confident that I have done a good job and that he will be prepared for whatever path he chooses in life.


Love Being A Nonny said...

Before you know it, you will be showing these pictures on a big screen at a wedding rehearsal dinner. Believe me, I just did it....three times in eighteen months!! (All three of mine were born in 3.5 years and all married within 18 months)! It is amazing how time flys. But honestly, these years with them and their new spouses, are wonderful times of friendship. One new stage replaces the other and they are ALL wonderful!

3 Peanuts said...

Oh Leslie! They grow up SO fast. Our time with our families is so precious. Hugs.


Melanie said...

I still remember rocking and cuddling him as a baby...he fit in my arms so perfectly. Now it's a lot harder to do...I still try though! :D