Thursday, October 9, 2008

Where did the week go?

Boy is she starting to look grown up or what?
A play date with her buddy Joni!
At the pumpkin patch with Ken and Pam!
I love sweater weather!
She loved this praying mantis in the driveway.

Ok, once again, I am looking back over the calendar and wondering where this week went? Time is flying, am I the only one who feels this way?

This was a week that started out like every other, and then on Monday while driving to dance class my sister Melanie called me and gave me some news that has left me a unsettled all week. The doctor had called and told her that she had a spot of concern on her mammogram and they rushed her in on Tuesday morning for more tests. I have had a pit in my stomach all week, praying that it was nothing. Our prayers were answered today, it is a minute calcification, a spot that needs to be watched every 6 months but it looks ok! After her hysterectomy at 29 she is in a high risk category for breast cancer. I pray that is the last time we ever have a scare like that.

I also had another scary situation going on with my good friend and I learned today that all is well with her also. Whew, I can breathe again. I have had many conversations with God this week!

I also took Myah to the doctor on Monday for her check up and the tests on her kidneys. A blood test came back negative (good) and I have to try and get a urine sample from Myah. Yeah right. She was not happy about the blood draw and cried so hard. The sweet nurse gave her 2 stickers, a sucker and a pencil, the bonus was when she asked Myah if she would like her pencil sharpened, whoa did that stop the tears! A sharpened pencil is good stuff around here!

On Tuesday Myah had a play date with her friend Joni in the morning and in the evening we were treated to a very nice dinner by our neighbors Ken and Pam. We have turned them on to our favorite Italian restaurant. They took us out to thank us for watching their house while they go to Florida for the winter and also for Mark mowing their lawn while Ken's shoulder heals. We had such a nice time, our kids love them like family. They don't have any grandchildren and have kind of adopted our kids. We took them to our favorite pumpkin patch afterwards and they thought it was the neatest place. It started to get dark but it was fun, they have the cutest store inside the big farm, Pam and Ken both liked it in there.

On Wednesday I took Dayton to the eye doctor and it was determined that he needs glasses, so we ordered a pair and they should be in next week, he is not thrilled and at 13 years old is afraid everyone is going to laugh at him. I reassured him that once he put them on and could actually see good, he wouldn't care what anyone thought.

Today we had Myah's little school and she actually did all of the projects today and even danced, it is a big deal, normally she just sits an watches every one dance and have fun. I spent the day preparing a very special gift that I will post about next. It was a gorgeous day and I tried to spend it with my kids. After Mark left for work, we took a walk and Myah collected a few fallen leaves and pinecones, we then came home and jumped in the hot tub on the deck, I love being in it on days like this, we then came inside and played with Floam, I am loving that stuff, we all had fun with it. I am trying to teach Myah how to write her name, she has no interest yet, so we worked on that, did a new puzzle and then played hide and seek. My kids love playing hide and seek, even Dayton gets in on the action. Myah cracks us up when she hides, she giggles and wriggles the whole time and can't wait for us to find her.

Tomorrow is Homecoming in our little town so we are excited to attend the parade and football game with the kids. On Saturday we are going someplace super fun, I will post when we get home, we can't wait! And would you believe on Sunday Dayton has baseball practice!!

I keep telling myself that we will have plenty of time to slow down when the winter months are here!


Heather said...

Okay, love that first picture of Myah, yes, she really is looking grown up, but Leslie she is beautiful, truly beautiful.

Praise GOD! Your sister (and you) must be so relieved - thanks for updating very happy, Leslie. ANd your friends are safe on land, whew!

Have a wonderful weekend!

3 Peanuts said...

Oh I am so happy to hear Melanie's good news. I had been praying!


Sheri said...

Wow, on top of all the worry you've had this week, it was busy too. So glad that pit in your stomach can go away now that everyone is okay! Myah is really looking grown up. Can't wait to see you guys in person again.

DiJo said...

Too funny! I was thinking, WOW she looks grown up, and then I saw your tag under the photo!!!!

Can't we slow this down a bit?

Celebrating with you on your sister!


Dawn said...

I am thrilled for Melanie and her good news!!! Myah looks so cute in pigtails...I love those low kind, I do them on Lucy too!!

We just are getting into our busy season here...1 football, and 4 basketball teams...Lucy has no idea what she is in for...lots of rides in the car, practices and games. Oh my!

Jodee said...

The weeks do just fly right by, don't they?! Cute pictures of Myah!

Erin said...

Myah is just a beauty! Love her clothes. I am so happy about Melanie's good news! So Happy!

Lori said...

I can't believe how grown up Myah looks in that first photo...that's what I thought and then I saw what you wrote! lol
She's such a cutie, both of your children are! I hope you're doing well, thanks for the sweet words you left me! :)