Thursday, February 21, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Lighthouse at South Haven on Lake Michigan! Brrrrr!!!!

I have missed the past few Thursdays, I have so much to be thankful for! I thank all of you for your prayers and support for Mark's eye surgery, he is doing very well, his eyes are getting better every day, he has already seen a major improvement in his double vision and in time it should be gone completely! We have layed pretty low around here for the past few weeks, cabin fever is setting in for sure! Come on Spring!!!!!
I am thankful for....
-Mark, for being such a good patient, I am so glad that you are feeling and looking better! We have all enjoyed getting to spend this extra special time with you. I don't think Myah is going to like it when you go back to work!
-Dayton, for numerous reasons, you have been my right hand man lately and I love you for it. For riding along with me on Monday so I didn't have to go alone, you are so thoughtful!
-Myah, for being such a good girl while Mommy has had her hands full! You have made us laugh so much lately, I love the sweet little girl you are becoming. For saying " I love you soooo much!
-For my mom, for coming down and helping us with the kids. Mark loves his new jammies and has lived in them!
-For my sister Melanie and the goodies that she sent down for us, for the delicious meals and pie!!!
-For our family members who have sent donations to Dayton for his Cooperstown fundraising! We appreciate your support!
-For Jerry, thank you so much for just showing up to shovel our driveway, I sure appreciated it!
-For the phone calls, messages, prayers and cards that Mark and I received, it feels good to be loved!
-For the wonderful Chinese New Year gifts that Myah received from good friends.
-For finally finding a terrific pediatrician! I love our new Doctor! It was hard leaving our other Doctor but it was time for a change!
-For pepto bismol, I have been having some stomach issues lately!
-For the sunshine pouring through the window panes, even though it is freezing outside, it feels good to "see" the sun again! Is Spring ever going to get here? It has been a really rough winter!
-For the snow plow driver who plowed my mail box (and 2 others) over, I am not angry really! Now we can get 3 matching mailboxes in my yard instead of 3 mis-matched!
-For my new Vera Bradley bag, I chose the curvy tote in the the Raspberry Fizz fabric! I love it!!! Thanks honey!

-For my little space heater, I literally sit right in front of it on cold days!
-For the ability to just let things go for the past few weeks, it is an uphill battle to keep up when all 4 of us are home!
-For the beautiful bedroom set that I finally found for Myah, I have been looking for about 3 years! And it was in my budget, even better!
-For the pictures from Kristina of Morgan after her cleft lip surgery! She looks amazing!

-For Aunt Bev, she went and volunteered at the orpahanage where Mark's grandpa lived until he was adopted. It is now a home for boys, her church did repairs and gave donations to the home.
-For my super organized bedroom closet, one thing that I have accomplished lately!
-For the Sears repairman who is coming tomorrow to fix my ice maker! I miss it terribly!
-For sleep, I am in need of it and am thankful for it when I get it!
-For our upcoming appointment on Friday with the ENT, hopefully we will get some news about Myah's tonsils!
-For the beautiful Spring issues of my favorite magazines arriving in my mailbox!
-For the fun night we spent in South Haven with my sister and her family!
-For my quick visit with Sheri and Sarah (and family) I love friends that let you just drop by because you are in the area!
-For the earlier sunrises and the later sunsets! I love waiting for the bus in the sunlight instead of darkness!

Sorry this sounds so choppy, I am trying to stay awake! It is late but I want to get this done!! Can anyone relate? Ha !!!


Sheri said...

I'm thankful for a great friend like you who calls up to drop by for a visit. It was so great to see you and Dayton on Monday!! Even though it was a quick visit, it was special! I'm still laughing that we both picked out raspberry fizz for our recent Vera Bradley purchases--we truly are sisters separated at birth. Can't wait to see Myah's new furniture in her bedroom (rather than in the back of your Explorer). :) So glad that Mark is doing so great. Enjoy the rest of your week and the SUNSHINE!!

Jodee said...

Love your Thankful Thursday list. Your new bag is adorable too!

Lori said...

I'm thankful you share your lists and all that goes on in your life~ so many wonderful and good things happening and most importantly you have the heart to see them :)
I hope the warmth of Spring is just around the corner!
Your new bag is beautiful!

Heather said...

Good gravy Leslie! Now, that's a thankful list!! So happy Mark is doing well. Love the new bag, can't wait to see the new furniture. I love your thankful spirit...your lists are perfect!

Have a happy weekend!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

I've missed you Leslie! Glad to check in and see such a great list of thankful things...

Stay warm and healthy and get some rest--you've had your hands full!
