Monday, February 25, 2008

Does the Tooth Fairy make exceptions?

Because I know a little girl who would love to wake up and find a dollar under her pillow as a reward her for being such a good little patient today! Myah did really well today. She started to cry for me when they went to take her back but I reassured her that she would be just fine. I was prepared to hold her in my lap if I had to but the dental assitant was able to make friends with her and convince her that a new ring would be hers afterwards. Away she went! After a half hour one of the assistants called us back and informed us that the two fillings that they were going to do today didn't go as they had planned and they had to put a crown on one of the teeth. We knew she was going to have to get another crown put on next week in addition to another filling but we were a bit dissapointed and saddened that she needed to have two. It is really strange to see a 2 year old laugh with a silver crown in her mouth. We really love our dentist and are so thankful that we found such a great office, he even kissed Myah on the head and apologized for putting her through so much today. She came to us with a big wad of cotton in her mouth and she looked like she had been crying. Just broke our hearts! She has been pretty cranky all day long since the procedure. I can't blame her, he had to dig into her gums in order to put the crown on. So we will see how next week goes, I hope she will cooperate now that she knows what to expect. She had laughing gas in order to get the shots and he reassured us that she felt no pain. She has thanked me so much today for taking her to the dentist. She hugs me and says "momma, I love you so much for the dentist".

It was sweet today when she was reaching for me to comfort her. Those of you who have adopted a toddler will understand. Tonight it was a first for me as well as I was tucking her into bed I sat there rubbing her head and giving her kisses like I always do, and I started to sing to her, this time she started smiling at me and asked me to do it again and again, and again. It was so sweet because this is the first time that she has let me sing to her, normally she doesn't like it, I am sure it is my voice (wink)! I am sure today was a bit traumatic for her, I am so thankful though that we are getting these issues taken care of. We are keeping an eye on another tooth on the top of her mouth now that looks suspicious. I have a feeling we are going to be "good customers" at the Dentist office. As we left today I told Mark that she has had more dental work done today than I have my whole life, I have one cavity! I thought I would share a few pictures of how our little princess looked today. She layed around for quite a while afterwards. I think her mouth was pretty numb for a while and it really bothered her. She asked me to take it (the numbness) away. The dentist told her that her tooth was getting a new hat, she thinks the tooth is gone. Well, daddy is off to work for the first time in 3 weeks, so we are praying that she has a good nights sleep! We'll see! Thanks for your concern and love for Myah, we sure appreciate it! P.S. We are expecting yet another snow storm tonight! If I see another flake I might just become one! (Be nice now! I know I am pretty flaky to begin with!). Seriously people, we have had one of the snowiest and coldest winters that I can remember, I can't remove the Christmas deer in my front yard because they are frozen in the ground!


Anonymous said...

Oh, that sweet little face . . . poor thing! What a brave girl. Thanks for the update!

Jennifer, Adrienne's mommy

Leslie said...


Your such a big girl. I myself got a crown today too. I bet you were a better patient than I was. I have worked in a dental office for 7 years, and I still make a fuss. I wish I could be just like you...BRAVE. Way to go Myah.

Erin said...

Such sad pictures! Myah had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day... that is for sure. She has been through so much! You are a good mommy! (And I am sure that your singing is beautiful to her!)

Robin said...

Oh Leslie,
What a little trooper Myah is! That first little pic of Myah's sweet face looking so sad brought tears to my eyes this morning. I agree, it sounds like she was very brave! and definitely deserves a visit from that tooth fairy! I hope she's feeling much better today. What a cherished moment to have your little girl asking you to sing "again, again", and letting you comfort her. We will definitely say a prayer for your brave little patient's dental work and upcoming tonsillectomy(sp?). You are sooo right about listening to that mother's instinct! Give Myah(and her mom:) a hug from us!

jennifer said...

I'm glad that part is over with. That has to be so hard. I feel so bad for her. It's just one of those things that you have to take care of.

Somewhere In The Sun said...

That first picture says it all! She's such a trooper. And YES, the tooth fairy makes exceptions for special girls!!

I'm so thrilled to read about your bedtime breakthrough! I certainly understand this since I'm going through it now myself. I do know from our past adoptiongs that whenever there is an unpleasant situation and mommy is there for them, it causes them to trust you even more and they become even more attached. It just melts your heart doesn't it?!


Dawn said...

Oh Leslie,

Poor little thing. Myah looks so sweet in those pictures. I hope all continues to go well with her teeth and her surgery. You have had quite the last couple of months. Praying for you!!

Sheri said...

So glad that the first dental appointment is over with. I feel so bad for Myah. She looks so sad and miserable in the pictures. How awesome, though, that she wanted you to sing to her over and over again. Bless her little heart! We'll keep her in our prayers as she has more dental work and the tonsils to deal with yet.

Lori said...

Ok, I can't decide to laugh or cry! :)
You are a riot! lol
What a big girl Myah is and how brave of her to go through so much and to be so loving about it. I got all choked up when I read she "thanked you for the dentist"~ oh my is she sweet!! :)
The pictures are so precious and what a yummy bright green & pink satin blankie covering her!
I thought of Mark yesterday and prayed for his first day back, hope he's doing ok.

3 Peanuts said...


I am so sorry for all that sweet Myah has been through (and you too). I am however so thankful that she wanted you to comfort her. How wonderful is that!

I hope the tooth fairy did come:)


Susan said...

What a brave girl!! I hope by now it's a distant memory! Please give her a big hug from her Hubei Cousin! Elizabeth is quick to offer her Panda when someone else might benefit ;).. warning from the mamma however, ... her brother calls it a 'bio- hazzard' lol.

Heather said...

Oh poor baby! Leslie, you are such an incredible Mommy...ugh, I hate they have to do this to our sweet girls. In the midst of chaos though, comes the blessing of her needing you, reaching for you, yea! Hannah won't let me sing to her either...she says, "Stop!". These two lovlies have some very similar traits.

Hannah has a suspicious tooth right up front and her check-up is in three weeks. Can you say "dread"?

Myah, you did super sweetheart! What a brave little girl:)I bet that tooth fairy just smiled and smiled when she saw your sweet face.
