Monday, August 4, 2008

Like Father Like ....Daughter?

Myah found a few of my plate holders.....
Putting them in her "holster" ......
Not good when your handcuffs fall down your pantleg!
Putting her toy Parrot (she calls it her carrot) under arrest....
Poor Carrot is going to jail!

I know 3 posts in one day but I am behind, cut me some slack!

This one is at Myah's request, after I took these pictures she said "put them on your website momma!

Lately Myah has been carrying around a pair of toy handcuffs and a few of my plate holders and acting like a police officer. She calls one plate holder her gun and the other her taser. I am so proud. The funny thing is, is that she hardly ever sees Mark in his uniform. I don't know where she picked this up from. Dayton used to do this all of the time but he grew up seeing Mark on duty all of the time. She is always grabbing her handcuffs, telling us to put our hands behind our backs and she cuffs us. She even pretends like she is tasing us. I am trying so hard to girly her up she is going around arresting her animals and friends. Where have I gone wrong! :) She also has taken a liking to playing baseball. She is actually hitting the ball pretty hard when she gets ahold of it. Luckily she still wants to take ballet! I think I am losing her to the men in my life!


Vicki said...

LOL That is so funny! That's what I think too, that she's trying to be like the men in the house. Don't worry, you'll rub off on her too.


Kim said...

Oh boy, Myah and Hannah need to get together. Hannah was playing with her brothers rubber band gun and shot me right in the head with it the other day. I'm not sure who was more shocked, her or me. Needless to say it's now up high. As I'm typing this I'm watching Hannah sleep like a princess but really she's a little spitfire! How to keep them little girls will be quite a task.

Glad you had a great birthday!

Colleen said...

What a silly girl! Myah reminds me of Faith here.....always keeping up with her brothers and into all the boy play:) I have given up on dolls....sigh. Faith has the same cute ladybug pjs!

Virginia said...

I love it!! But then my brother is a Police Officer so I'm a bit biased. And I must say Myah makes bed-head look adorable. Oh and Happy Birthday! Sorry it's a bit late, but I was on vacation all last week.