Sunday, April 13, 2008

Praying for a miracle

Ok, I really don't even know how to say this, where to begin or do I even want to type these words. I just am in need of prayers once again. I was told the other day that my Dad's kidneys are failing. For fear of young eyes in my household reading this, I am not going to announce a time frame, use your imagination. He has been a diabetic for about 20 years now and his kidney's have gone down to 16% function. My dad has never been a very healthy man, he has been sick for a very long time. It is now getting very sad. I am not going to go into any details on here, I am keeping things very "normal" around my house right now for the sake of my young family. I am still awaiting the results of my bloodwork, I am hoping that no news is good news. This would not be a good time to find out that I am diabetic. I know I have to take care of myself right now, I am trying to stay positive. Kind of hard. I live 2 hours from my family, makes my heart heavy. I can't catch my breath for a second and something else comes up, these past few months are taking their toll on me. Please pray for me, my family and my dad. I did not even want to post this but prayers are needed and this is the easiest way for me to ask. Thank you all.
I had to add this picture because it was 17 years ago today that Mark asked my dad for his permission to marry me and he proposed to me in front of all of our parents. It was such a happy day for all of us. My dad was so proud here, he had wrote a song about me and recorded it, he surprised me with it at this moment, it brought everyone to tears. I see Mark and his dad behind us in this picture, we lost Lynn almost 6 years ago. I just realized how perfectly this song goes with this post. I received the Steven Curtis Chapman cd that I won in the giveaway the same day I got this news. It is the perfect song because my sister Melanie and I loved Cinderella so much when we were small, so much so that my dad let us name his hunting springer spanial dog, Cinderella, he called her Cindy for short!


Somewhere In The Sun said...

Leslie, you've had so much happen in such a short time span. I WILL be praying for you!


Stefanie said...

Oh Leslie... my heart breaks for you! You have endured so much and done it with incredible grace and dignity. I can only imagine what the thought of losing your father must do to you!! Please DO take care of yourself now, that's the best gift you can give your family: a healthy mama :)
You and your family will be in my prayers.
Sending hugs from GA!!

Heather said...

Leslie - I don't know what to say - how to comfort you or what I could do to make it feel better, but I assure you, I wish I could wish away the challenges and turmoil your family faces today.

Please know you and your family are lifted in prayer and that we are loving you and sending out hugs to help ease the pain.


Sheri said...

I tried to call earlier, but couldn't get through for some strange reason. I've been thinking of you constantly since you shared this sad news with me last night. You know I'm praying for you!! I wish I could have taken you to Florida with me to give you a break. You've been through so much lately, and it's not letting up. My heart is breaking for you. Hang in there my friend. Like the plaque says that I bought when we went to Holland last summer -- "God doesn't give you what you can handle, He helps you handle what you are given." Hold onto that and know that I'm thinking about you and praying for you!


Anonymous said...

I am so very, very sorry for this news you received . . . we will certainly lift your dear father and your family up in prayer.

Jennifer, mommy to Adrienne

Chesnye said...

I'm so sorry to be reading this. You and your sister are such sweet women. I will keep you in my prayers.

Erin said...

Leslie... I am just so sorry. So sorry! Life can be so very difficult at times. Your Dad's expression in that photo is very sweet. Such a kind gesture to let his daughters name his dog Cinderella. I am sure, having gotten to "know" you, that he is a very special father. My prayers are with you.

Kim said...

Leslie, I've been thinking of you and wonderig how you were doing, but to read this post just left me speechless. It seems like you have it coming in all different directions lately. I will certainly keep you in prayer. Miracles do happen, never cease in giving up hope. Our God is an awesome God.

Jewels of My Heart said...

I am so sorry.... I am praying for your Dad, your family.... for God's peace and God's healing.

Colleen said...

Many prayers sent your way to you and your family! So sorry you all are going through this difficult time. What a lovely and special photo.

Aunt Vicki said...

Leslie, I am so so sorry to hear about your dad! I just don't know what to say... you have had way too much going on to have to now worry about your dad too. I will pray for him and for you. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Love you all, Vicki

Christy said...

Leslie I am so sorry for what is going on in your family right now and you will be in the midst of prayer from all over the world. I will keep you in my prayers and remember you must take care of yourself-- even in the midst of this trauma. Please know there are so many of us praying for your family.


Christy :)

Jboo said...

Oh my -- sending good thoughts and prayers your way for you and your family.


jennifer said...

I am so sorry. I will be praying for you and your family.

Dawn said...

Oh Leslie~

I am so sorry to hear about your Father. You and your Dad are in my prayers.I love that picture of the two of you. I am thinking of you!

((big Hugs))

Penny said...

Wow, I was not prepared to read your blog. I am soo sorry to hear this news. I have sooooo many great memories of us growing up with your dad. Please tell your dad (uncle Rog) that I love him and give tons of hugs to him for me and from him to you! My thoughts and prayers are with you and Mel and all!

Love to you all!

Penny said...

Oh, wow, I am overwhelmed. I am so sorry to hear the news. I have soo many fond memories of growing up with you, Mel and Uncle Rog (Aunt Linda too). Keep your strength as you know he wants that. Please tell everyone I love them and give bunches of hugs to all for me!

Love and prayers to all!

3 Peanuts said...


I am so sorry. Your family has been through So much in the last year or so. I am praying for all that you asked. Please know that I am here if you need a shoulder to cry on.


Lori said...

Leslie, it is good that you are asking for prayers~ sometimes that is all we can do and I know many are thinking of you and praying for you. You will continue to be in my thoughts~ I've been praying for your whole family and will continue to do so.
This is such a lovely photo of you and your handsome dad~ what a great daddy you have. :)
Sending hugs and love your way my friend.

Leslie said...

Leslie, I've been thinking and praying for you today. I saw your post yesterday, but didn't have time to comment. I'm truly sorry for everything your going through right now. Praying for your Dad, you and your whole family.

Roger That said...

Leslie, am so sorry to hear about all your trials you have been enduring. Let me know if I can do anything to help...Lunch Date to visit?

Jodee said...

Leslie -- I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. I also have diabetes so I am very familiar with all of the complications. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I love the picture of the two of you.