Sunday, March 8, 2009

When It Is Too Quiet

She emptied them all into one big bucket, her own special blend.

I know that when Myah is quiet she is up to something. She talks all day long non-stop, so when I hear a lull in conversation I know to go looking for her. Last night we had the Playd*ough out, what else do you do on a Saturday night when it is pouring outside and Daddy is working. I had left it sitting out on the kitchen table and I guess it was just too darn tempting, I found her making her own shall we say "special blend". It guess it is safe to say that I will not be trying to sort these out into their own little cans. So next time she plays it will just be with Myah's original color blend. I should have known better than to leave it out I guess! I can't complain too much, it did give me a few minutes of peace and quiet and sometimes that is worth its weight in gold!


fleur de lis cottage said...

We have the same special blend in our's sort of a grayish brown playdough. Looks like she's having a ball though.

Melanie said...

Yes... I recall Myah making her special blend with Annabelle and Chloe when her and D up here for the weekend last Spring. It was Beautiful...and cut into teeny tiny little bits! :) I still have a can of it for when they all get together:-D
We had so much fun with you yesterday! I know Dad was cheering when Dayton scored!

Virginia said...

She looks like she's having so much fun.

Gin =)

Colleen said...

Oh does that happen lots at our house too!!:)There's something about playdough that is just much more fun all mixed up!

3 Peanuts said...

Same thing goes on here (hte mixing of playdough and the quite=trouble).
