Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chinese Milk and Cookies

These sweet brown cookies with pink frosting were a huge hit with Myah when we first got her. Mary our social worker had told us about these type of cookies before we went to China, she said that it is a way to "bond" with your baby, by giving her something like this that she likes. Funny enough, the orphanage gave us a bag full of necessities on Gotcha Day and these cookies were in it. They are made by Kra*ft and have the cutest little faces on them. I bought a few packages of them to bring back home to help in the transition, and to give her something that she liked and was used to getting in China. This coconut milk was also in her bag from the orphange. The babies loved it! I purchased some more of this as well, I just poured the rest out the other day.

This was a bag of formula that the orphage gave us as well, it was the infamous "Sanlu" baby formula that was tainted, I gladly poured all of that out! Still I kept the package because they had written some information in Chinese on this particular bag.

One last bag of cookies, these were the vanilla version of the sweet treat that Myah loved so well.

I neatly put all of these empty packages in a baggie and put it in with Myah's special box, I hope that someday she will appreciate that I have kept all of these little things from our trip.

The other day my friends took Myah for the day, I took full advantage of my time to myself and decided to clean out her closet, something that is almost impossible to do when she is home because she gets into everything. I have recently moved Myah into Dayton's old bedroom so she has the small walk in-ish closet now which is SO nice! I have two huge totes in there that hold some of her most precious treasures, everything from China. I finally sorted everything and put the things that we plan on giving her as gifts in the future in one and in the other one I put all souvineer-ish type things, and special momentos from our trip. I brought home some food/candy/tea to share with our family and friends. I still had it all wrapped up. I figured it has been almost 3 years, we most certainly are not going to eat it, but I had a hard time parting with it. So I took pictures and saved the wrappers that they came in. What would I do with the food after all this time anyways? It is just that everything from our trip to China is so precious to me. So I am doing a special post just about food, Myah's favorite thing in the world.


3 Peanuts said...

Oh such sweet memories. I am glad you got some time to yourself:) What i would not do for that!


fleur de lis cottage said...

What sweet keepsakes!

DiJo said...

Just checking in! It must be a theme... I cleaned out Ruby's closet yesterday!!!!!!! So glad you got some time by yourself to enjoy the memories!!!
