Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Our Little Houdini

Modeling her tank top
Showing you her technique of opening drawers with her feet!

I don't know how she does it, I really don't. Myah does magic. Many times we will find her and one of us will say to the others "come here, you have to see this". Her latest tricks must take some effort on her part. I will find her in her room with a new shirt on, pants on, diaper (swim diaper over her clothes). She gets down out of her bed, very quietly I might add, takes her clothes off and puts new ones on that she finds in her drawer. Perfectly, not inside out or backwards. In the dark. Sometimes I forget that I had laid her down wearing something different than what she wakes up in, it looks like I dressed her. She will also be wearing boots, you know how she loves her boots. I have cleared her room of all toys or anything that could harm her. The other night I found her asleep in her pillowcase (like a sleeping bag). Do you know how hard it is for me to put a twin pillowcase on a new fluffy pillow, imagine pulling it off with her strength in the dark! I first of all don't know how she can get in and out of her bed so easily, it is pretty far off the ground. The other day I saw her standing next to my desk and I thought she was pulling the drawer open with her hand until I looked and it was her foot! I had her model her technique for you today after she modeled her tank top that she put on by herself. I have to admit though, she is very good at hiding the evidence, I found the shirt that she removed in her drawer. This is just a sample of her mischief. My friend Sherry told me today, just wait she is going to sneak out of the house when she is older! Let's just pray she is older at this point!!! She makes us laugh, she manages to get in positions that I never would think were possible, especially because she is well, let's just say she isn't very petitie :)! Oh we love her! I told Mark the other day I don't know if she is keeping us young or making us old, we are always on guard with her. She finds a way to grab the keys off of the table and start honking the horn on our van, she was sitting in her booster seat, pulled away from the table. Mark says we are going to have to put a hidden video on her and see how she operates, we can't figure it out! She reminds me of those Chinese acrobats that we watched in Beijing!


3 Peanuts said...

She is amazing! I loved reading this post. Their little quirks make them so special.


Sheri said...

Oh my, this is cracking me up! Myah does look like the Chinese acrobats in the pictures opening the drawer! At least she can match her outfits nicely when she changes and doesn't come up with outrageous combinations.

Robin said...

Oh my! I was just laughing as I read about your little "houdini"! Too funny, you have one talented little girl there! She will definitely keep you on your toes! She is just too cute!! The pictures on your previous post were just beautiful! Wow, you have been busy! What a gift you have~ thanks for sharing!

Don and Lisa Osborn said...


This post made me laugh, especially as I tried to picture all of these antics taking place.

Love the comment about whether you're not sure if she's keeping you young or making you old...I wonder that same thing with Lindy and am not sure how I'll ever handle her sister when we get her. :o)

Wishing Houdini and her mom a MAGICAL day,

Christy said...

That is so totally funny. I cant imagine finding her in her pillowcase. That would just crack me up!! The feet opening the drawer is classic. Love that about her!!!

Christy :)

Anonymous said...

Leslie, that is hilarious! Little Stinker!!!

Danielle Moss said...

I love Myah - and her fun little antics. :)

Such a little cutie.

Football and Fried Rice said...

Ok, so after this post - I tried to see if I could reach my nose with my foot (I THOUGHT I USED to be able to do this)..I can't anymore. Hmmmmff.

Deb said...

LOL Leslie! As I was reading this post....I was thinking that she was like those Chinese acrobats in Beijing.....and then you said it! She is too cute! And you have your very own adorable "in house Houdini!" :)

Heather said...

She makes a plain tank look pretty spectacular!! What a funny girl...the pillowcase really cracked me up! They do some of the funniest things!

Love reading about things in your neck of the woods!


Lori said...

That is so funny! Just like her mom, extremely talented!! :)
cute post! :)