Friday, August 31, 2007
Princess Diana
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Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Thankful Thursday
This week I am thankful for....
-Mark for being such a big help around the house, for taking Dayton to the ballfields and practicing for baseball tryouts, for diving in after Myah before I even knew what was happening.
-Dayton for being so excited about starting school next week, for sitting by me in your orientation at the middle school when you could have ditched me for your friends.
-Myah for never fussing when you wear your life jacket, it saved your life this week when you decided to jump overboard while we were fishing. Please make your kids wear life jackets when they are near the water, no exceptions! I can't even let my mind think about what could have happened.
-For the great time had at Annabelle's party, it was a wonderful day, it was great seeing my family.
-For my nephew Taylor's awesome debut as the quarterback last week, at 15 years old, he is one to watch. I cried when I saw him on the news and they said his name!!
-For all of the people in the south who are still trying to survive after Hurricane Katrina, after 2 years I can't believe that they still have to live like that.
-For my niece Rachel who went to Louisiana over the summer to volunteer for the Hurricane relief, at 13 she is very compassionate and sensitive to people's needs. We are very proud of her.
-For my mom for donating blood for so many years, supplies are dangerously low right now.
-For our high school cross country team, who is ranked #1 in the Midwest, good luck this season!
-For Mark and Dayton's fantasy football team, you would think they are actually the coaches!
-For our great trip to the zoo with my sister and the girls.
-For Myah's attempts at potty training and sleeping in her big girl bed, no success with either but she sure is trying and has interest in both.
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Rain rain go away....
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Annabelle's Party

Here is a recap of the adorable 3rd birthday for Miss Annabelle. It was a beautiful day full of family,friends and food!
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Monday, August 27, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Please say a prayer....
My heart is heavy tonight and I feel the need to ask for your prayers for a few situations that have taken place this evening. First and foremost, please pray for little Jude's family. One of my blogger friends is a friend of a friend to his family. I have followed their journal all week long as they clung to hope that little Jude would receive a miracle after his drowning last week in a pool. He was revived and his family held the vigil all week praying for his recovery. Tonight he is in the arms of his Heavenly Father. The family has 3 other small children, the youngest just 2 months old. I can't imagine their pain, if you would like to visit their journal please email me and I will get you the information. Please keep this family in your prayers as they deal with this tragedy.
Secondly, tonight as I was driving home with Myah (Mark and Dayton are at Taylor's game), I once again had to drive through a terrible storm. As I sat down tonight to enjoy my peace and quiet, all of my news channels were talking about the devastating storms in our area. A little town just north of here called Fenton was hit very hard. This is where my sister and I love to go when we have a day to ourselves, there are a few shops in the quaint little downtown that we visit where we have got to know the owners personally. Tonight, all reports are that the downtown area is destroyed by a tornado. My heart is breaking for those little shop owners, the economy here has been so bad lately and the little stores are struggling to survive and now to deal with something like this, I pray that they can stay afloat. My brother in law works for security at Target and he was called to the new Fenton store tonight because the roof has been blown off. This gave me shivers because just Saturday I met my sister in Fenton to pick Dayton up, in that Target parking lot, we shopped in that very Target not even a week ago. We are being told that we have not had storms like this in several years. Just last month when the storms ripped through our area, I was in Target during the storm with the kids. I think I need to quit shopping at Target, what do you think?One of my adoption buddies lives out in that area and I am anxious to make sure that they are alright. I have to drive through that area tomorrow as we head up north for Annabelle's party, the Target is right off of the expressway so I am sure that we will see the damage. Many homes are destroyed, severe damage is done to businesses, please keep all of these people in your prayers.
Posted by
Friday, August 24, 2007
Labels: prayers
Annabelle's Special Day!
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Friday, August 24, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Thankful Thursday
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Monday, August 20, 2007
Summer Vacation
Here are a few pictures from our wonderful trip to Wisconsin to visit our good friends the Smith's who moved there earlier this year. We had such a great time and miss them so much already! We went to Bay Harbor Resort on Lake Michigan in Wisconsin, it was so neat being on the other side of our favorite Great Lake. It was beautiful and had a great indoor waterpark, outdoor pool and beachfront. I swear we thought we were in the Gulf Of Mexico! Minus any creature that could sting, bite or attack! We ended our trip in Chicago and loved taking the kids to our favorite stops. Myah had her first trip to the American Girl Store and got a stroller for her Bitty Baby. The guys really loved stopping there! It was so nice to spend time together as a family, unfortunately I came down with a bad cold and haven't felt good since we got home. Thank you to our friends for showing us a wonderful time! We will be back!
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Monday, August 20, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Big News!!!!!
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
Labels: family
Monday, August 13, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007
My First Thankful Thursday
I am thankful for........
* My dear sweet hubby, what a week you have had. I know that sometimes you see and hear things that no one wants to see. Bless you for doing the job that you do, I couldn't do it. I loved seeing your face on the news tonight, you make me so proud.
*Dayton, for making me feel like I am still cool to be around. Thanks for the Snickers and Diet Coke today. Also thank you so much for watching your sister so I can get some things accomplished.
*Myah, for saying that she loves us when she says goodnight. Such a gift for a mother's heart!
*Sheri for the cool birthday gifts I received in the mail yesterday, I love them!!!!!
*My night out with Mark, I loved having him by my side all night. I loved the way he kept looking at me. We had so much fun with our friends but would have had just as much fun if it were just me and you honey!
*My neighbor Pam for working side by side in our garden during the hottest days of the year, and for watching the kids so we could have a much needed night to ourselves.
*Our trip to Wisconsin this week to see the Smith's!!! We can hardly wait to see you!!!
*That my sister in law Lora's hysterectomy went well yesterday, we love you sweetie and hope you will be back to yourself in no time!
*For a special man, who will remain anonymous until I have permission to use his name, that is making someone we love very happy. Wink wink!!!
*For my friend Linda who came over tonight, I could talk to her all night long!!!
*For my sister Mel's closet organizer, she has been living out of boxes for 2 years since the construction started!
*For Danielle who helped me give my blog some bling!!
*For air conditioning! What would I do this week without it!
*For rain so that I can give my sprinklers a rest!!!
*For Margaret's successful surgery.
*For Sheri, I am so glad that through our adoption I gained a daughter and also a great friend. Have a great trip this week!
*For time away with my family!!!
Posted by
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Labels: Thankful Thursdays
Monday, August 6, 2007
Sweet Summer Pictures
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Monday, August 06, 2007
Mommy and Daddy go out!!!!
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Monday, August 06, 2007
Labels: family, Mark and Leslie
Thursday, August 2, 2007
I have been tagged
Lori tagged me with this meme. Here is goes:
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Chasing my 2 year old Dayton around.
2. Doing many home improvements on our first house.
3. Teaching scrapbooking classes.
4. Collecting Longaberger baskets, all of my friends were selling them at the time.
5. Trying to have another baby! Sorry, but it is the truth!
5 favortie snack foods:
1. Ice cream.
2. chocolate!
3. Wasa crackers and Kuhana cheese
4. Chips and Wild Mild Salsa
5. fresh fruit already cut up, I hate cutting it up!
5 songs I know all of the lyrics to:
I know lots of songs, I love to sing especially Karoke with my family and in the shower, car that being said here are a few.
1. Several songs by Shania Twain, Martina McBride, Faith Hill, Jodee Messina, Wynonna
2. A Whole New World, our wedding song
3. Oh Holy Night, my favorite Christmas carol
4. Somewhere Over the Rainbow
5. Lots of oldies songs, I love oldies too!
5 things I would do with a million dollars: ok, first off a disclaimer that I would not be a rich millionaire, I have too much compassion for people and would probably give to every charity that I could. This is my personal list.
1. Invest
2. Give to my family
3. Give to the police memorial funds
4. Hire a personal organizer to completely organize every aspect of my life!
5. Take a much needed get away to a private island with my hubby and only my hubby ( ok, a personal chef too, we have to eat and who wants to cook!)
5 Bad Habits
1. Eating ice, I don't know why but lately I am doing this all of the time, I know my dentist would not be happy.
2. Neat freak, I like to have everthing in its place, this is almost impossible so I end up spending too much time working on this.
3. Buying magazines
4. Going to bed too late now that Mark is working nights, I just can't bring myself to head upstairs until after midnight.
5. taking too many pictures
5 things I like to do:
1. Take too many pictures, ha ha!
2. Spend quality time with my family, that means not shopping together!
3. Decorate and rearrange my furniture
4. Shop at my favorite little places especially if I have a good friend along.
5. Anything with water, the ocean, lakes, pools etc. I love to be in the sunshine!
5 things I would never wear again:
1. My size 3 wedding dress for obvious reasons.
2. Any of the 9 bridesmaids dresses that I have been blessed to wear.
3. leg warmers
4. running tights
5. purple nikes, purple eye shadow, jordache jeans, and loves baby soft perfume all at the same time!
Posted by
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Labels: Leslie
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
26 Months Old

In the tradition of my BJB site I thought I should keep up with my monthly update on Myah. It has been so nice to look back on her progress throughout this past year. I am so bad about keeping up with her baby book so this will serve as one! I will start by saying that our little girl is extremely STRONG willed! Her vocabulary is amazing and she is saying sentences now. She will say words and phrases that I didn't know she even knew. The other day she saw the video from her orphanage and she saw a parade with people in costumes dancing in the street, she says, "look, monkey dancing", she was right! She will usually wake me up in the morning by saying "hi mommy, I sleep good". Then she proceeds to ask all of us if we did the same. The next thing out of her mouth is "where daddy go?", "where Dayton go?" She then will ask this same question about 50 times a day. If I leave the room for a second she is like a broken record asking where I went. Along with her expanded vocabulary has come her ability to give commands, for example, "Dayton, sit down," Mommy sit down" Mommy Juice, juice, juice,.... you get the picture. The girl loves to eat and now she tells me what she wants and yells it until she gets it. This girl does not give up or give in. We will get into stare downs with her and she doesn't even blink! Especially when she is in trouble. She is such a goofy girl, she loves to dance and sing. She loves me to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider with her and she does all of the motions. She is also running everywhere, she is pretty quick too! She is definitely a two year old! Yesterday I found her on the floor in her room after her nap, not sure how but she did climb out of her crib, it was just a matter of time, I have found her outside of her pack and play when we stay out of town. She loves to be outside and has loved taking bike rides with us. She just squeals. As dramatic as she can be she can also be as comedic. She knows how to be funny and tries to make us laugh, I love that about her. I think if she didn't have that characteristic I would lose my mind with the defiant side of her. I love this little girl with all of my heart but some days, whew, I look forward to bed time! We are trying to introduce potty training at her leisure, she seems to be pretty interested and has had a few successes! One of my favorite times with Myah is when she says her prayers at night, she is so sweet the way she names everyone, she remembers everyone, I can't believe it! Sometimes she will say names and then pause for a second and go "Um..." and say another name. I think she gets her gift of gab from her daddy what do you all think!!! Ha ha! She also loves playing with her dolls, she pushes her stroller around with her baby in it all day. We have had a great summer and have enjoyed our boat so much, we are so thankful that Myah enjoys it as well, she loves to go fast and is not afraid of the water at all. Just amazes me to think that just last summer she would scream when she saw a pool or bathtub. She is our daughter through and through and I love how she says " momma, I happy!" Or how she tells us she loves us, it just means so much to us. I could go on and on about all of the changes in her/our lives lately, the kids are growing up so fast. I can't believe that Dayton will be in middle school in a month. I took him shopping the other day and he is actually in clothes that I can wear now. Where has my little boy gone? He loves Pac Sun and even asked if I could buy the cologne that they sell. He is worrying about his hair now, his complexion, and his clothes. I am definitely dealing with two very different stages in childhood development. It is exhausting! But very fulfilling! Please leave us a comment if you are visiting, we would love to hear from you all, I haven't updated the bjb site at all and miss the guestbook section, I know you are all out there so please leave me a note, I miss hearing from you all. Also if you are new, leave a message introducing yourself, we would enjoy it! Sorry I haven't been very faithful at blogging, we have been working on the garden, it is getting pretty but of course we have picked the hottest days of the year to work on it! Thanks for stopping by!
Posted by
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Labels: Myah