Monday, January 5, 2009

I'm Back, for a while.

I am not sure if anyone is even out there or not still but I have decided to make a comeback for a while. My dad's health has declined and being that I live a few hours away from my parents I wanted to share what is going on in our lives with them as long as I can. My dad's kidney's are shutting down and are now functioning at 7 percent, Hospice has called in and we are just enjoying Dad for as long as we can. My blog just seemed to be the easiest way to keep in touch with everyone who is concerned and also it gives my parents an opportunity to see pictures of Dayton and Myah which is basically why I started my blog in the first place. Don't expect anything too fabulous on here, just us.


3 Peanuts said...

Leslie~ Oh how I have missed you. I have been thinking of you an your Dad and sister so much lately. Truly, I feel like I have missed a good friend. I have not been able to call because all the kids are home from school and it is noise and chaos here constantly.

I am praying for you all during these difficult days. i am here to listen if you need a friend. I wish I knew what else to say.

Lots of heartfelt love,

Kim said...

Happy New Year Leslie! I will certainly keep your family in prayer and pray God will give you strength and a since of peace in your hearts.

I'd love to get together as well. Hannah could use to burn off some excess energy and I'd love some adult conversation. I'll send you an email.

Love Being A Nonny said...

So,So good to see you all. I will pray for comfort and peace for your dad...and your mom.

Erin said...

I have missed you! I was just thinking about you the other day, and wondering when we would re-connect. I am so sorry about your Dad's suffering. I am hoping that his days are peaceful and happy, and that you will find peace too, in the process of saying goodbye to him for now. Good to have you back...

Erin said...

I have missed you! I was just thinking about you the other day, and wondering when we would re-connect. I am so sorry about your Dad's suffering. I am hoping that his days are peaceful and happy, and that you will find peace too, in the process of saying goodbye to him for now. Good to have you back...

Clare Mansell said...

Leslie, as a long time lurker, I was feeling a little bereft when you decided to close the blog, but what a great surprise to see a new update.

Sending you all lots of positive thoughts and wishing you the best for 2009.

Your Christmas photos are great.


DiJo said...

Welcome back!!! You have been missed! I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. I am praying for you and for him! May he be at peace, and surrounded by comforting love!


Sheri said...

So glad you are back for awhile! I've been missing you guys, even though we've talked. Sarah has been asking when she can see Myah, so we'll have to get together soon. Keeping your dad and your family in my prayers.

Jodee said...

Welcome back! We have missed your sweet family! I love the Christmas pictures.

I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

snekcip said...

Leslie I was shocked to see YOU ARE BACK! I have you listed on "my favorites" and I always check this site for the wonderful pictures of your site and was QUITE SURPRISED! I'm praying for your family, may you enjoy your days with your wonderful dad! Love all the pictures of your family! What great memories you have!

Somewhere In The Sun said...

Leslie, I'm so very sorry about your father. You were so supportive when my dad went through this. Please know that I am praying for you.
