Monday, July 14, 2008

Myah Meets Matilda

Here she is Mrs. Matilda Jane, Denise DeMarchis with Myah ( who was trying to escape) and Sarah. I think Fed X owes me for free advertising!
Standing in the long line to pay.
I fell in love with this shirt to send out to my friend, Denise laughed when I purchased, it she said " I can't believe you found that shirt, I only made 2 of them!
There is Sheri picking out her favorite pieces for little Sarah.

I went to my favorite art festival this past weekend and got to have a quick chit chat with none other than the Matilda Jane designer/founder Denise. I have gone to her booth for quite a while and have talked to her before, she is such a nice person, so down to earth. I could not believe my eyes when I walked up to her booth this time. Wow, this girl has become famous! I am telling you, I have never seen anything like it. I have been to her booth in the past where I could actually look through the racks, it was always a popular booth but oh my goodness, this was insane. For starters, I went with my sister Melanie and Sheri and little Sarah and of course Myah. We got there roughly 15 minutes after the fair opened. I knew this year would be different when a girl walked up to me in the parking lot and asked if I knew where the MJC booth would be ( she noticed Myah's MJ shirt). She drove all the way from Indiana to get there. When we walked up there was a huge long line of people standing in line to pay with armfuls of clothes. You couldn't even get into the booth, it was so crowded. Us ladies took turns staying outside of the hornets nest with the little girls so that one of us could "go in". Crazy! Her shelves were very picked over, after 15 minutes! They were bringing out new stuff as fast as they could. We stood in line for about half an hour to pay. While we were paying there was a photo album being passed around of pictures that Denise put together. I was excited to see the picture of Myah with Chloe and Annabelle in it. Those clothes were just made to take pictures in! I did some shopping for a dear friend and did pick up a new dress for my little sweetheart. When it was our turn to pay Denise recognized us and commented about how adorable Myah and Sarah were. She is so cool, with her new sassy haircut. I gave her a small note with Myah's newest picture thanking her for making all of our little girls look so adorable and I gave her a hug and told her how proud I am of her. She has sure come a long ways! It was so nice to see her again, she has not done many art fairs since she started the trunk shows. I am so happy for her success and wish her the best, she is making her dreams come true, how awesome!


Colleen said...

How cool to meet Matilda in person!I actually just ordered a few things for Faith including the sunshine pants in your photo. That top is adorable! What a fun day!!

Sheri said...

Love the new blog look! It really is very "Leslie." What a fun and crazy time we had at the art fair. It was neat getting to meet Denise. Can't wait for a "photo op" for the girls in their new matching MJ outfits! :)

Kim said...

I heard how crazy it was on Friday. I risked it and went on Saturday and was able to pick up a really cute dress and hat for Hannah. There isn't any MJ that isn't cute. We'll have to get these two together in their new outfits!

Love your new headers!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm . . . now regretting that I didn't have you pick something up for me! Sounds like a great time, and so special since you met the actual "Matilda Jane"!!

Love the new blog look . . .

Jennifer, mommy to Adrienne

Dawn said...

Love the new blog look....and oh I want to get Lucy some MJ clothes sooo bad!! I did email them and asked if their was a trunk keeper in my area...oh I just LOVE her stuff!! Looks like you had a fun fun day!!


Heather said...

Leslie -

I LOVE your new blog look! I loved this post - you have blessed the MJC business by spreading the word, many thanks.

Sarah and Myah are really entirely too sweet and should model for all sorts of clothing lines - they are so photogenic.

What a great way to spend a day:)


Don and Lisa Osborn said...

What an awesome experience! I think you should get a cut from Matilda...
