Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Craving 3 Peanuts

My dear friend Kim @ 3 Peanuts has been forced to shut down her blog due to harrassments. I cannot tell you what a loss this is to our blogging adoption world. I have learned so much from her and I am truly missing her. (She is always wearing pearls, that is why they are in the picture).I am very lucky to have her as my friend, I love chatting with her on the phone and am hoping that someday we can meet in person. I am so sad that she felt so threatened that it has come to this. I have often thought about making my blog private and this kind of solidifies my thoughts. Don't be surprised if someday mine will be too. I have a hard time putting personal things on here for the fear of not knowing who is "watching" us. I started my website with Baby Jelly Beans before we traveled to get Myah, it was password protected and I felt a bit more free to post personal things for my family and friends. I feel that my blog is accessable by just about anyone and sometimes that scares me. You all know that I am a police Lt's wife and I hear about the bad things all of the time. I really want to protect my family and I sometimes wonder if this blog is putting us in harms way. You just never know nowadays! For example, I have a huge trip planned this week and I would love to let everyone know where we are going and what it is for but I feel like I have to wait until it is over for fear of people knowing where I will be with my children. I am not being overly sensitive believe me, my sister in law's best friend has become a victim of a stalker, her son was located at his college dorm by a predator and was harrassed, because this man found out all of their personal information from her blog. Scary stuff. She has had a nightmare experience and one day looked at my blog and warned me about all of the information that I have out there that could potentially pose a risk to our family. I don't want to stop blogging, my parents and family and close friends live away from us and this has been such a joy for all of them to catch up on our lives. I know several of them who look forward to every post. I am so thankful for my blog, it allows me to keep in touch with them. At night when they are in bed (too late to call), I can post pictures, stories, etc. and they can feel like they were there with us. It is priceless to them. Besides that, I have started some wonderful friendships with fellow bloggers. We are a huge support system to each other in the International Adoption world, I have learned so much about my daughter's culture, health issues, personality etc. just by networking with all of them. We are a family, keeping all of the Mei Mei's (little sisters) together. That is priceless to me.

So I guess I am saying don't be surprised one day if I ask for those of you who like to read my blog to send me your email address so that I can go password protected. I have been thinking about doing this for a long time and after this has happened to Kim, I am seriously considering it. It takes one bad apple to spoil them all doesn't it. So sad.

Miss you and those 3 Peanuts Kim!


Amy Maze said...

I'm having withdrawls from missing Kim's blog as well. I also got so much good information from her posts, whether it be decorating or parenting. I love her! It's so scary that blogging could be potentially dangerous for our families.

I love your new blog design! I found you through Danielle...aka master of blog design!

Dawn said...

I might be right behind you...I dont share alot of personal things for that specific reason, and I think once we are home with Lucy I will really want a place to share what is happening in our lives, in a more private forum.

For now, I hope following our journey has been encouraging to others, as so many were to me while I was waiting!

3 Peanuts said...

MWAH! That's a kiss from me. Loved talking to you today. I will be back! I had NO idea I would be missed.


Don and Lisa Osborn said...

Such a very kind post, Leslie. It is sad that one bad apple spoils the lot. That sums it up well. I love following you and your family and hope if that day comes--I will still be able to follow. You must do what is best for you, your family, and your peace of mind.

You are one of those unexpected blessings on the journey!

Kate said...

I miss Kim and the Peanuts too!!! I LOVE your new looks...I will be getting some new digs too soon...just can't decide what I want!!

Matilda!!! I am hosting a party in September....very excited!

Virginia said...

I miss Kim's blog too =(. I feel like I need to introduce myself as I follow your blog almost daily. I've commented a few times but it's probably been a while. My name is Virginia and my husband,Doug, and I have been waiting for a little over 9 months. Following blogs like yours, and Kim's, really helps with the wait. Along with the RQ website, blogs are our only "solid" thing to hang on to while we wait since we rarely have any contact with our agency ( until it's time to update paperwork). You and Myah don't know it but you've been a blessing to me.. kind of like a canteen in the desert =). Thanks.


LID 9/30/07

Jill said...

I am so sorry to hear about losing that blog. I link to it sometimes through others.... Call me ignorant in this blog world as I am new...but what happened? I agree that we, as an adoption community need to stick together, and it is SO sad that sometimes it comes to this! Honestly, there are a LOT of times I find my strenghth through all of you, even if you are all "unknown". I would love to continue to follow you all if you go private.

Annette said...

I enjoyed Kim's blog too! Hope she remembers to invite me to her new one.... and I definately want to continue reading yours if you do choose to go private! Like your new banner :)

Love Being A Nonny said...

If you DO go private, I am

I should comment more because I check your BLOG almost daily. How sad that you would have to change things. I pray that doesn't happen.

Angela Conklin
a NC friend thru your entries

4ever4some said...

I really miss Kim and 3 peanuts as well. It's so sad and unfortunate. I too have considered going private.

jennifer said...

I miss her too. I took a little break, and when I came back, she was gone!! I probably share too much on my blog. I need to change that.

snekcip said...

It is so true that ONE APPLE DOES INDEED SPOIL THE WHOLE LOT! I'm in the process of adopting (although not internationally) and sites such as yours and (3peanuts) gives me insight and pure excitement in my waiting process. It puts a "face" on such a joyous but sometimes NERVE SHATTERING wait for your baby to be in your arms forever!I wish Kim and her 3peanuts the best and NORMALCY of every day life!

PS Kim I'm hoping that you will decide to invite me back because I dearly love reading your wonderful blogs and seeing your beautiful family. If you don't I fully understand from a MOM'S STANDPOINT that we must do everything and anything to protect our family!

Football and Fried Rice said...

we miss Kim, too! If you go private, we'd love to tag along!! And I think everyone has those thoughts..

Wes and Tracy said...

Oh, how I miss her blog. I immediately thought of her when I saw your “pearls” image. Both of your blogs are in my favorites and I check in on you guys several times a week. Does that sound creepy?? ;-)
One day I checked Kim’s blog, just before I was going to leave, and it said it would be going private in a few weeks. About two days later, I went back to ask to be invited and she was gone. She had so many interesting posts and beautiful pictures. Really, such a lovely family! She touched me in her post and the genuine love that she has for her faith and family. I pray that all is well with her family.
As someone who is sitting in China’s adoption slow down, I have been living vicariously through your blogs. In today’s crazy world, both of your blogs really make me pause, take a deep breath and truly think about how I want to be as a parent and a family. Thank you both for that. You really do make it look so easy!

Regarding the harassment…..What kind of people would harass someone like that?! Come on people! This is not the way the world is supposed to be! So very sad…


Team Houston said...

I know what you mean....I had given our our second blog address to so many people when we just traveled to China to bring our second daughter home. Makes me think long and hard about it too.....I just wish that the passwords did not expire if you don't check them after a while. I am afraid of my older relatives not bothering with re-doing it or emailing me.

Thanks for sharing yours and I have never met Kim in person but I miss her blog.

Take care and have a nice vacation.


Duchess of Lanier said...

Thank you for the explanation. You're on my short list of daily checks :)
Our ChuWei is Waiting

DiJo said...

Thanks for posting the tribute to the beloved pearls. I miss her too. I can't even tell you how disappointing it was to hear that she was attacked. Honestly, how can anyone be so bitter. It makes me just sad! I am with you on the going private. For the same reasons as you I have this blog. I would have never met you or many other special friends if it were not for our unique Mei Mei/Blog world. Kim was an integral part of teaching and inspiring others. I feel very blessed that I got to spend time with her! If you go private, let me know!!

P.S: MJ Party here in September!!! WooHoo
Ruby wore her skirt on Sunday. CUTEST!!!

JBK said...

Our family is in the long line waiting for a beautiful daughter from China. I love to read your blog and others. I would miss you if you went private but I would understand completely!