Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Rainbow Connection

The first rainbow, when Whitney was staying in Myah's room.

This was the double rainbow the night before we left for China
Right over our house
Look closely at the rainbow between the clouds, we were flying over it.
This is the rainbow staircase in our hotel and a picture of all of the new Daddies with their daughters, they are over the rainbow for sure!

I have been meaning to post about this subject for so long and I figured today would be a most appropriate day to do so. Two years ago today we boarded a flight that would take us over the majectic mountains of Alaska and the enormous waters of the Pacific Ocean to carry us to the ancient land where our precious daughter was waiting. Waiting for a family that she didn't know existed. She was so unsuspecting at that moment, with no idea that life as she knew it would forever change. No clue that in 3 days she would leave the arms of her foster mother, the place that she felt the safest. The face that had seen her first smiles, the hands that cared for her every need, the bed where she laid her sweet little head, everything that she found comfort in would be gone.

As we flew I had many hours to absorb the magnitude of what was about to take place. I prayed that she would accept us, that she could handle the dramatic transition. I prayed for her foster family, it must have been so hard on them to let her go as well. After 18 months of planning for this trip, I felt that I was as prepared as I possibly could be. However, in my heart I knew that no amount of preparation could make her accept us, that is something we would have to earn. I had stared at her pictures on the flight over, staring into those deep dark eyes, wondering what that sweet face would look like with a smile. Could we make her smile? I sure hoped so. I prayed for a sign that everything would be alright. I am a huge "look for a sign" person. God will comfort my heart with a sign that all will be fine, reminding me that He is in control, to ease my fears. And then it hit me.

Rainbows. When I was a young girl of the 70's I collected rainbows, I loved them. When we moved into our current house 8 years ago, we were amazed at the amount of rainbows that appeared after the rain storms. Many of our neighbors will be out on their front porches after a storm just to view the gorgeous rainbows. Usually there are full arched double rainbows. I never get tired of seeing them. God's way of saying everything is better now. The storms are over, I am here. The night my sister was in labor, losing her twins, I wanted to get up north to be with her and a tornado ripped through our area, closing the freeway that connects us. I went out on my front porch to pray and compose myself, I looked up and saw a rainbow, not one but two. I knew that God was in control of that situation and it comforted me to see those vibrant colors.

The first time that little Whitney stayed the night with us we had a horrible storm, afterwards, we had another gorgeous rainbow. Whitney slept in what would be Myah's room that night and I took picutures because it looked like the rainbow was landing in Myah's room. A red thread moment for me. I thought of our own little Chinese daughter waiting for us, Whitney had planted that seed in our hearts for us.

The night before we left for China, another bad storm came through our area. As I was saying my goodbye's to my parents on the phone, Mark called me outside, a huge rainbow appeared again. I knew that God was there, showing me again that he would calm my fears of traveling. The next day, as we began our flight, I looked out the window as we were flying over the Flint area and I could not belive my eyes. We were flying over a rainbow. I still get tears just thinking about it. Another sign. A few days later, on Gotcha day we arrived in Wuhan, as we drove into the city where our daughter was waiting, there was a rainbow bridge welcoming you into the city. And in the beautiful hotel where we were staying there was a gorgeous staircase, on the underside it was painted to resemble a rainbow. We sat under it as we ate every day. God was there, with the subtle signs, giving me the encouragement that I needed. It brought me so much comfort. If you remember that is also when Katherine McPhee was the runner up on American Idol singing none other than Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

I continue to run out on the porch with Myah everytime there is a rainbow, I love seeing her face light up, her smile is proof that I am to trust in God, He takes care of everything.


Football and Fried Rice said...

I love it!! I love God's promise wrapped in a rainbow :=)

Sheri said...

Oh, this is so neat! I knew about some of these rainbow stories, but there are a lot! Definitely some red threads here. :)

I can hardly believe that it was 2 years ago that we all flew to China to get our girls. It seems like both yesterday and a long time ago. What an amazing journey that was!

Colleen said...

This is so beautiful and I have to tell you I have chills as I read it! We too felt that red thread connection with the double rainbows. If you go to my blog and go down a post to Faith's slide show the very first photo is the double rainbow we saw outside of our house the day before we left for China. We would always see beautiful rainbows from our window, but this was the first double one that we saw.
Thanks for sharing this. I love it!

Heather said...

I cried out loud when I heard the song - this song has such special meaning to me. Love the pictures, the stories - all of it. I just posted a rainbow too:)

Some of your posts I relate to so well, they remind me of a different time, a precious time of my own childhood...us eighties girls have to stick together! I think we would have been friends, had we gone to school togehter:)


Lori said...

I love the "signs" God has given you and the comfort they've brought. ;)
Rainbows are so amazing, I just stand in awe of them every time I see one.

Jewels of My Heart said...

Beautiful post..... filled with love, hope, beauty and God's faithfulness...

Annette said...

Wow, incredible! I definately believe that God gives us signs. What a beautiful connection.