Thursday, June 26, 2008
Our 15th Wedding Anniversary
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Thursday, June 26, 2008
Labels: Mark and Leslie
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Morgan needs our prayers now more than ever
Live every moment God has given you~ With Love, Morgan
Morgan with Jenny and Christina, Val's daughters.
Lifting our hopes and dreams to the Heavens
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Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Labels: prayers
Summer is Here!
Finally Summer has arrived and we are taking advantage of every second of it! We spent the past few days out on our boat. We purchased the boat last summer and were a little "wet behind the ears" if you will but this year we are much more comfortable with the lakes and canals in our beautiful area. The kids love being out on it and so do we! We took Dayton's friend Austin out yesterday with us and did a little fishing, swimming, tubing and skiiing, Myah had a little fishy friend (we threw him back unharmed don't worry!) but a few worms and a little sunfish sure kept her busy while the boys fished. Here are a few images and a little video from the past few days. *** pause my music at the bottom in order to hear Miss Myah talk to her fishy
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Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Labels: summer
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Busy Weekend
Myah just loves her Nate! Aunt Bev, Vicki, Aunt Ginger, Me, Aunt Barb and Aunt Jan, l-r
Myah loved jumping with cousin Blake
The beautiful quilt hanging from the deck, they have the best backyard, complete with a babbling brook!
I love me some cake!
Boating with Kim on Friday night
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Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Nate's Night at Comerica
Nate before the game hanging out in the dugout. He got to go into the locker room as well. Nate's biggest fans, Rachel, Dayton and Taylor taking it all in while leaning over the dugout. (this is where we sat!)

Nate is sitting in the bullpen after warming up in this picture, he said the bullpen had vending machines in it!
Our family with Nate after the game, they were waiting for us to quit taking pictures (see the man on the right!) We had such a great time!
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Father's Day Weekend
You didn't really think I would forget did you? We were just out of town at a baseball tournament this weekend. We were in Holland and it is just so beautiful over on that side of the state. The weather has been so iffy around here lately, but somehow we ended up with two beautiful days. We were so excited that Sarah and her family were able to spend time with us, we were in their neck of the woods. They came to Dayton's game and then came back to the hotel to swim with us. We went to the Holland State Park on Sunday morning before we had to be at the game and enjoyed walking on the shores of Lake Michigan and the pier by the lighthouse. I wish that I had taken my good camera with me but these will have to do! It was a nice weekend and I am glad that Mark was off and we could spend the day with him. He is a no fuss kind of guy and being at a baseball game watching his son play was a perfect way to spend the day. Happy Father's Day to my own Dad as well! I did call him on the way home! Miss you Dad!
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Monday, June 16, 2008
Labels: family
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Dayton's Last Day of School

It's is official, school is out! Boy this year flew by, I can't believe it is over actually. He is now an 8th grader, which means that at this time next year he will be going into high school which totally freaks me out! I always take a picture of him on the first and last days of school, and of course the sunshine is always blaring in his eyes and he "can't see" so the pictures are always oh so fabulous, yeah right. He had a great year, he loved all of his teachers and they loved him as well. It is strange that the older they get the less you know about what is going on in school. I used to be volunteering all of the time but you rarely get a chance to walk into the school now let alone volunteer, nor does he want me to chaperone on fieldtrips anymore. Boo hoo. Times are changing, instead of a nice end of the year gift for his teachers like I used to do, I sent them all a very sweet email thanking them for being so good to Dayton this year. I actually got very nice responses from all of them thanking me for my kind words and telling me what a great son we have. Aw shucks! He is a great kid and we sure are proud of him. He had a rough year heath wise, he probably missed more school than he ever has. Between getting braces and running to the allergist, I think next year should be better for him. Just a few years ago he had perfect attendance. The difference a few years makes. He brought his yearbook home today and we were giggling at all of the signatures, everyone is trying to sound cool, some girls left their phone numbers, (what is that all about?) and the most popular sentiment was H.A.G.S. (have a great summer). Oh to be in Jr. High again!
We are excited that summer is here, we have to stick around home for baseball games but hopefully we can get out and enjoy some time on the water. It hasn't sunk in yet that school is out, I am sure tomorrow morning when I don't have to wake up at 6 am it will!!! Yeah!
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Labels: Dayton
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Gotcha Day Reunion
On Sunday 5 out of the 12 families from our group were able to get together at a park to celebrate our 2nd Gotcha Day. We had a great time catching up with everyone, and splashing in the spray park. The girls are getting so big, they are all approaching 3, of course Myah is already 3, but the others are close behind. They are all talking, running, working on potty training, getting ready for pre-school, and little Emma is even going to be a big sister next month! Gary and Candy are going to have a little baby girl! So amazing that after all of those years of trying to have a child, after they adopted Emma they got pregnant! So exciting for all of us to see them so happy.
These families mean so much to us and we were glad that we could share this day with them. A few families had graduation parties for their older children, two families now live out of state, but we still feel the connection to all of them when we are all together.
As our luck would have it, a huge storm came barreling in and they park officials told us that we needed to evacuate the park and seek shelter somewhere else due to severe weather. We literallly shut the car door and the downpour started. Tornado warnings were going off and it got pretty scary for a while. We all were safe and sound but it cut our celebration short.
On our actual Gotcha Day anniversary last Friday another bad storm came through and wouldn't you know it, a rainbow appeared!
*****fyi, for those of you who follow my other blog, I put up some great Father's Day ideas for you today!
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Congratulations Nate!!

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Saturday, June 07, 2008