Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Way Behind!

Baseball, baseball, baseball.

Dayton's job shadow day.
Dayton's class on the Capital steps in D.C. We didn't know it but at this exact moment a small plane was flying over this area and was being escorted by military jets and helicopters, the Capital was being evacuated for fear that this plane meant trouble. Glad I didn't know until afterwards.

Our monthly girls night out at Olive Garden. I didn't get the whole group. Our friend Jeanne (the red head) had a grease fire at her house and had nothing but a sweatshirt and capris to wear so we surprised her and all wore sweats, it was fun and she loved it!
My good buddies Linda, me and Kym.
Kortney's prom, so pretty!
Kortney is my youngest cousin, she graduates this weekend and also turns 18!
Dayton's birthday dinner at Rainforest Cafe with Myah and Brandon. We embarrassed him by having a Volcano dessert sent over, it was hilarious!

I will try to give a shorthand version of what has been keeping us busy!

-Dayton has been working on his huge portfolio project, just this morning it was turned in! We have been working on this since November. Whew!
-Myah is in an instructional soccer class, she loves it but really likes to hang out in the goal area!
-Dayton's baseball games have finally started, the weather plus the D.C. trip were the reason for the delay.
- I have been going to the chiropractor for my back and am seeing great results, I am so grateful to get relief from pain!
-My energy is coming back and I am trying to get caught up on things around the house. Things have been piling up and I need to weed out big time!
-Mother's Day I was up at 5:45 for a baseball game at 8 am! I made a tray of chocolate covered strawberries and croissants and o.j. for the moms! Spent the day working on Dayton's project, fun times!
-The kids allergies are terrible right now, I love that we are in full bloom right now but it is not fun for my family.
-My cousin Kortney had her senior prom and I went and took a few pictures, Myah loved seeing all of the pretty girls and Dayton thought the girls were "hot".
-The orthodontist told us this morning that Dayton's teeth are looking great and maybe after the next visit we will talk about removing his braces! Yippee!
-Myah's dance class is over and the recital is this weekend, it should be crazy, Dayton has a tournament this weekend too!
-School will be out in less than a month. Wow, high school is on the horizon!
-Dayton had to job shadow for a day, last week he rode along with one of Mark's officers all day, he had a fun time and I think he had a few eye opening moments. He was excited because he had to be 14 in order to ride along and he had just turned 14 a few days prior. He said he was amazed at all of the people who don't wear their seatbelts. Funny, I feel naked without mine on I can't imagine riding around without it on. He still wants to be an anesthesiologist but a police officer is in his top 5.
-Mark started working days again, we are trying to adjust once more but hopefully he will be on this shift for a few years.
Well, that is about it for now, we are super busy but I like it that way. Keeps us out of trouble! Ha ha!


Mommyto3andahusky said...

Hi I nominated this blog for the One lovely Blog award! :) Love it! :)

3 Peanuts said...

Hi Leslie,

I miss you so much...I am so glad to hear that your back s better and your energy is returning. I got to a chiro too an it helps immensely. Dayton looks SO tall in those baseball photos:)

I have been so busy too and have really avoided the blogs as they suck my time and I get nothing accomplished but I miss you and check in when I can.