Friday, October 23, 2009

Heavy Hearts

Photos of Chippy courtesy of Special Olympics.

I really feel like my blog is becoming one big obituary notice lately, and frankly, enough is enough. My heart cannot take much more sadness. My Aunt Mary and Cousin Tammy read my blog faithfully, they are my biggest blog fans without a doubt. Aunt Mary used to print off my blog pages and take them to my Grandma who did not have internet access, she is so sweet that way. My heart goes out to them and their immediate family this week, my cousin Johnny's son Johnny Jr. passed away suddenly at school on Monday. He was 14 years old, the same age as my Dayton. My Aunt Mary just lost her sister (my grandma) 2 weeks ago and now she has lost her grandson. Little Johnny (Chippy) was involved in the special olympics, they did a very nice tribute to him on their website this week. Chippy's visitation is today and his funeral is tomorrow, would you please hold this family up in your prayers, I know it will be very difficult for everyone. My heart is so heavy lately, so much tragedy. On Sunday we are going to spread my Dad's ashes in his favorite places, I am preparing myself for an emotional weekend. I am loving the new song by Mat Kearney, Closer to Love, I feel like it is my theme song for my life right now. We all are one phone call away from hitting our knees. I feel like every time the phone rings lately it is with more bad news. I am trying to see the good in all of this, I know our loved ones are in a much better place, I am so thankful that I have that comfort.


Somewhere In The Sun said...

I'm so sorry. My heart aches for this family. They will be in my prayers.


Lori said...

I will be praying for this family, I'm sorry for their loss.
Sending BIG strong, faithful hugs your way....and prayers for more joyful days (and phone calls) ahead.
You will be in my prayers even more so in the week ahead.
Love this song. :)


Lori said...

I will be praying for this family, I'm sorry for their loss.
Sending BIG strong, faithful hugs your way....and prayers for more joyful days (and phone calls) ahead.
You will be in my prayers even more so in the week ahead.
Love this song. :)


Lori said...
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Colleen said...

Praying for all of you that you find peace and strength. I am so sorry!

3 Peanuts said...

Leslie, I am so very sorry. I just got your e-mail too. Praying for your whole family.


snekcip said...

Your family is in my prayers! We lost my nephew suddenly at the age of 14! Oh the lost of a child......there are simply no words.

fleur de lis cottage said...

I am so heart feels heavy for you. Lifting your family up in prayers!