Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dayton's Homecoming

Dayton hangs around a large group of friends, this was a few of them, such good good boys! I am still amazed at the size differences at this age. My sweet young man
Ordering at the restaurant
Such a fun group of young people.
The men in my life
We were so glad that Grandma could be here for this, she had a hard day, losing her momma and all.
Me and my baby boy! Notice how I have to look up at him now!!! (excuse my puffy eyes, it was a rough day for me too)
Of course Miss Myah is never far behind when Grandma is around!
On top of everything else going on this weekend, it was the Chinese Moon Festival as well. Myah's little Chinese angel, Shan sent two beautiful moon cakes over for her. So while Dayton was at his dance we had our own little moon festival.

This weekend was so crazy, we were getting ready to take Dayton to his homecoming parade and game when we got the call that we should gather our family together for Grandma. Before I even had arrangements made to send my kids with others we got the call that Grandma had her own Homecoming in Heaven. Dayton ended up going to the game with friends and Myah stayed with the neighbors so we could go be with our family. On Saturday we spent the day doing funeral stuff and my mom came down to gather some pictures and things from me so we were excited that she could see Dayton before his big dance. Dayton had the bright idea to sit/lay on his bed after he was already dressed and his fuzzy blanket got all over his black dress pants. Thankfully Grandma came to the rescue with the lint brush and no one knew better. Dayton and 10 of his friends met at a nice restaurant in town and we let them have dinner (without parents around). My friend Debbie and I volunteered to be the drivers from the restaurant to the dance. It was so nice to have such good friends to share this day with. Four of the boys were my cub scouts years ago. Three girls joined the group, it was very funny to watch the interaction between them. The boys could not wait to get into my car after dinner, the girls were all in Debbie's car. I was laughing to myself at their conversations. Only one boy had a date that he was meeting at the dance, this is all so new to them. So funny!
Sounds like Dayton had a nice time at the dance, he said it was very crowded probably over 800 kids were there. My little boy is growing up. It was a very emotional weekend for our family but Dayton seemed to keep his cool and I feel that he was able to enjoy himself despite our heavy hearts. If there is one thing I know for sure Grandma would NEVER want to stop anyone from enjoying good music and dancing. We sat in church on Sunday morning and Dayton kept complaining about how badly his hips hurt from dancing. I think he did Grandma proud!
(thanks for being patient Aunt Mary and Tammy!)

1 comment:

fleur de lis cottage said...

He looks so grown up...what memories!