Myah had her very first day of Preschool today! She was so excited this morning she could not stop smiling! We did not put her in last year because she was not potty trained so she is in the 4 year M W F program. We love her teacher Ms. Becky, she had her last year in playgroup and I was thrilled to find out that she was the new preschool teacher for this year. We LOVE her ! She is now our friend and it makes me feel so good knowing that she is in good hands. Myah was disappointed to find out that it was a shorter class today but she was more upset that I had to stay the whole time! She wanted me to leave! It actually did not hurt my feelings at all, she was so happy to be there, what more could I ask for!? The nice thing about this preschool is that it is through our community ed so it is actually in the school that she will attend next year for kindergarten, and the school that Dayton attended so I know the staff and Myah is familiar with her surroundings. I am hoping that will make her transition next year just that much easier. She got her own bookbag today from the school and she gets her own milk, just like the big kids, she thought that was pretty cool. At one point in circle time, Ms. Becky said "Myah are you excited to be here?" sarcastically because she would look back at me with the biggest smile everytime they did something. She was beaming, you could just see the excitement oozing from her!!! So different from Dayton's first day of preschool with him crying because I was leaving, hitting the teacher ( he was never a hitter), and me crying in the parking lot! Myah also starts her dance class tonight, she is very excited about that too! All in all, I think she will have a blast, she is a little sponge and loves to do new things, I am sure this will be a great year for her!
My big preschooler!
She found her own cubbie right away!
Doing her calendar project