Four years ago today we drove got a call, got Dayton out of school early, drove across the state, and saw our little girl's face for the first time!

Today marks the 4 year anniversary of receiving Myah's referral and seeing her beautiful little face for the first time. Words can never describe the emotions that we felt that day. We waited so long to see our little girl's face and receive her information. When you adopt from China you don't know anything other than the fact that you want a baby girl until you receive your referral and learn which child the Chinese think you are best paired with.
It is hard to remember life before Myah entered our family. She is ours in every way, the time we spent in China seems like a distant memory, she has blossomed into a beautiful, smart, caring and compassionate little girl. We are forever thankful that God placed it on our hearts to adopt, our family has been so blessed to have Myah in our lives.